The Clean Air Act Blog: Archive for October, 2015

Possible Causes of Low Heat in Your Furnace

Monday, October 26th, 2015

Your furnace is going to see daily use this winter, as it will most winters in a town like Portland, OR. That makes it doubly concerning when you turn your heater on and the air isn’t warm enough, or worse: it’s not hot at all. That usually merits a visit from a repair technician, who can pinpoint the problem quickly and implement a proper solution. As a homeowner, however, it may help you to understand the possible causes of low heat in your furnace, which can stem from a number of different sources and usually requires professional expertise to resolve. Here’s a partial list of some of the more common causes to help you out.

Clogged Burners and Gas Lines

The burners are where the heating process gets started, and over time they can develop clogs and similar problems, preventing them from working as they should. In some cases, this can stem from trouble in the gas lines, where a clog or disruption is preventing the gas from getting to the burners. (This is one of the reasons why you should shut off the heater and the gas immediately upon detecting a problem: leaky gas is nothing to fool around with.) A service technician can unclog the burners, and regular maintenance session can help keep them from forming in the first place.

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How to Spot Problems with Your Heater

Monday, October 19th, 2015

Fall has arrived here in Portland, OR, and homeowners are dusting off their heater for use in the coming winter. Now is often the time when we discover repair issues with our heating systems: having sat unused for several months and now called upon to perform on a daily basis. The good news is that you still have time to schedule a repair session to deal with them, while the weather is still comparatively warm. But the sooner you can spot problems with your heater, the more readily you can bring in a qualified service to perform repairs. Here’s a few signs that you should watch for.

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What to Look for in a New Heater

Monday, October 12th, 2015

With fall arriving here in Portland, OR, now is the perfect time to trade your old heater in for a brand new one. Temperatures are still mild enough to let the technician install the system without inconveniencing you, and you can schedule the session at your leisure, without having to rush to get it in before a cold front hits. More importantly, installing a new heater now will let you enjoy the benefits of improved efficiency and lower monthly bills from the start of the season. But just because you’ve decided to buy a new system doesn’t mean the work is done. Here are a few tips on what to look for in a new heater.

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Indoor Air Quality Issues to Watch for This Winter

Monday, October 5th, 2015

Winters in Portland, OR have been cold lately, and while we’re still enjoying the moderately mild temperatures of fall, that thermostat is bound to start dropping soon. Keeping your heater serviced and maintained is the ideal way to ensure your home enjoys comfortable temperatures all winter. But temperature isn’t the only factor in determining household comfort levels. Indoor air quality plays a vital role as well. A number of issues unrelated (or at best tangentially related) to your heating system can crop up, and now is the time to prepare for them. Here are a few indoor air quality issues to watch for this winter, as well as some effective ways to combat them.

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