The Clean Air Act Blog: Archive for September, 2020

Why You Need Professional AC Installation

Monday, September 28th, 2020


As we’ve seen over the past week or two, our weather can be pretty wild at times. Having a reliable air conditioner in your home is going to be a great help in ensuring that you stay comfortable during any surprise heatwaves that might come our way even as the summer ends. If you need a new system in your home, it will make things a lot easier to schedule a professional air conditioning installation in Milwaukie, OR.

We want to make sure that you know how important it is that you have a professional be the one to perform your system installation. A pro will know exactly how to install your system so that it can start out on the right foot.

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Answering Your Questions: Do You Need AC Repairs?

Monday, September 14th, 2020

It may not seem like there will be a break in the high heat we’ve been experiencing around here, but the end is coming. And with the end of the heat, the fall season is going to kick off with more reasonable temperatures … and possibly some pumpkin-flavored goodies. We might even be able to enjoy some days without the air conditioner on!

Speaking of your air conditioner, we want to make sure that your system is still in good shape. While cooler temperatures may be on their way, it doesn’t mean that you should let your AC struggle. If you need an AC repair in Portland, OR, we can help you get the job done. All you have to do is reach out to us.

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