The Clean Air Act Blog: Archive for April, 2021

Ways You Can Help Minimize Repair Needs For Your AC

Monday, April 26th, 2021

In Portland, the hot and humid summer weather has us all turning our air conditioners on pretty frequently, and this will lead to a much higher demand for AC repairs. The more we use our air conditioners, the more prone they are to the toll of regular wear and tear. 

However, there is a way to avoid frequent repair needs. All you have to do is schedule maintenance with a pro from The Clean Air Act. It’s that simple.

While an expert’s opinion and professional help are almost always necessary, there are certain things you can do on your own to help avoid repairs. Here, we will discuss some of the easiest things you can do to dodge AC repairs in the future.

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The Perks of Adding an Air Purifier

Monday, April 12th, 2021

Indoor air quality is directly linked to your overall health. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, Americans spend around 90% of their time indoors. However, indoor air contains 2 to 5 times more pollutants than the air outside, creating the pressing need for their removal.

Air purifiers work well in removing these contaminants and pollutants, protecting your health and keeping respiratory issues at bay. Here are some of the perks of adding an air purifier in Portland to give a better understanding of its importance.

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