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The Clean Air Act Blog

Call For Repairs When…

burnersThere are moving boxes everywhere and you have a big task on hand: unpacking. You finally got your first home! Now, while getting things unpacked may keep you warm for a while, you might start noticing that there is a problem after you slow down–your home isn’t very warm even though the heater is running. Is there a problem with your heating system?

All too often we find people wait to call us until their problem is a big one because they aren’t sure what indicators to look for that tell them it is time for repairs. We want to help clear this subject up by providing you with some of the most common indicators you should know about. The sooner you schedule service after you pick up on one of these signs the better for you and your heater!

Call for Heating System Repairs When…

There are several different signs that you should be able to identify that will alert you about when it is time to schedule heating repair in Beaverton, OR. These include:

  1. Loud, strange noises: Your heater isn’t likely to run without making some noise. But there are noises you shouldn’t just brush off. Sounds such as rattling, clanging, screeching and hissing are all warnings signs of a problem such as a broken part or even a leak in the system.
  2. Increasing heating bills: If you notice that your heating bills for your home seem unnecessarily high for how warm your home is, this is an indicator of a problem. Heating bills that increase without reason are often due to reduced energy efficiency within your heater.
  3. Reduced airflow: Your heater is on and it is blowing warm air but the air coming from your vents is halfhearted at best. This normally means there is a problem in your ductwork such as a leak or blockage, which will hinder airflow and reduce your comfort level.
  4. Little to no heat: The air is flowing well throughout the home but instead of warming you up it is making you feel colder than ever. If your heater is blowing air but none of it is warm, you will need repairs soon as a heater that isn’t heating needs a major fix or replacement ASAP.
  5. The smell of gas or sulfur: If you smell gas or sulfur (rotten eggs), turn off the heating system immediately! This indicates a gas leak within your heater which could put you and your loved ones at risk.

Whether you are a new homeowner or a seasoned homeowner with something new to learn, we are happy to help. The staff on our team is always glad to assist with everything from diagnosing the problem to getting the fix done. The professional technicians on our team are helpful, trained and knowledgeable so you can trust that your system will be taken care of the right way when you work with us.

Need a repair? Contact The Clean Air Act today. Please call Sydni, our Office Extraordinaire, to schedule your next appointment! We will take care of you from there!

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