Ways You Can Help Minimize Repair Needs For Your AC

April 26th, 2021

In Portland, the hot and humid summer weather has us all turning our air conditioners on pretty frequently, and this will lead to a much higher demand for AC repairs. The more we use our air conditioners, the more prone they are to the toll of regular wear and tear. 

However, there is a way to avoid frequent repair needs. All you have to do is schedule maintenance with a pro from The Clean Air Act. It’s that simple.

While an expert’s opinion and professional help are almost always necessary, there are certain things you can do on your own to help avoid repairs. Here, we will discuss some of the easiest things you can do to dodge AC repairs in the future.

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The Perks of Adding an Air Purifier

April 12th, 2021

Indoor air quality is directly linked to your overall health. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, Americans spend around 90% of their time indoors. However, indoor air contains 2 to 5 times more pollutants than the air outside, creating the pressing need for their removal.

Air purifiers work well in removing these contaminants and pollutants, protecting your health and keeping respiratory issues at bay. Here are some of the perks of adding an air purifier in Portland to give a better understanding of its importance.

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How to Tell if Your Furnace Needs Repairs

March 29th, 2021

A broken-down furnace is the last thing you need on a cold winter morning. The InterNACHI’s Standard Estimated Life Expectancy Chart for Homes states that a furnace has an estimated life of 15–25 years. If the furnace is nearing that age range, it might need to be repaired. Meanwhile, the following are a few signs to tell if your furnace needs repairs: 

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What Is the Best Heater for Your Home?

March 15th, 2021

dog-under-blanket-cold-homeKeeping your home warm through winter and spring is an important goal when you live around here. To do that you need a strong system for heating in Portland. Chances are you already have a heating system in your house now that you rely on heavily when the temperatures drop. But what do you do when that heater finally gives out?

It may not happen right now, but every heater will need to be replaced at some point. It is worth it to have an idea of what your options are for your next heating system. You want to make sure that you choose the best one for your home’s needs, after all.

Here are some of the options you should consider when the time comes to select your new heating system.

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What It Means When Your Heater Makes These Noises

March 1st, 2021

It has been a long and somewhat hard winter. Staying warm has proved a challenge but not an impossible one. With that said, the low temperatures and weather have likely created some strain for your heating system. Hopefully, your system is well maintained but this does not prevent it from ever needing repairs. There is a chance that your heater may finally need some extra help after this winter season. If this is the case, there is no better time than now to reach out for heater repair in Portland.

One of the best ways to find out if your heater needs repairs? Listen!

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3 Reasons To Love Your Furnace

February 15th, 2021

burnersFurnaces are popular heating systems around here. And that is for good reasons. They are known for being highly efficient and highly effective even when temperatures outside are too chilly for even the most cold-resistant local to handle. The system works hard to get the job done, so you have every reason to appreciate it throughout the winter.

Maybe you only recently got a furnace or you’ve never really thought about the incredible work these systems do. Whatever the case might be, we want to give you some details on why your furnace heater deserves your appreciation for keeping you warm. Here are three reasons to love your furnace and make sure that you do everything possible to care for it right:

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What Happens When You Procrastinate on Repairs?

February 1st, 2021

heating-repair-optionsThis is that time of year when we see more rain and cloudy weather than we’d like. It is something most of us are used to at this stage. But that doesn’t mean we should be used to being cold and uncomfortable in our own homes. That’s why we use heating systems—to keep the cold weather outside and enjoy a comfortably warm indoor environment.

This is all well and good, but you are going to run into problems in your house when your heating system starts having, well, problems. Even with regular maintenance (which we encourage, by the way), you may end up needing a heating repair in Portland. And we want to emphasize just how important it is that you get that repair knocked out ASAP.

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Don’t Ignore a Noisy Furnace

January 18th, 2021

We’ve all heard the horror stories of someone’s house going up in flames thanks to an old furnace becoming a fire risk. We want to give you some reassurance here. These instances involve systems that are in serious disrepair even need to just be replaced. Furnaces don’t just set things on fire out of nowhere. Gas-burning systems are built to be as safe as possible. They should remain safe to use too as long as you are on top of scheduling furnace service in Beaverton, OR.

You may be wondering what some of the earlier signs of furnace trouble are. How do you know when to schedule service long before things take a turn for the worse? Listen to your system! No, we don’t mean to try to get your furnace to talk. We mean listen to the sounds it makes when it runs.

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Start the Year Off With These 5 New Heating Habits

January 4th, 2021

boy-relaxing-on-floorIt’s a New Year and that means starting things off with the best of intentions to fulfill goals that improve our lives and livelihoods. While that goal to visit the gym every day may prove to be a little tougher to achieve, we want to give you some resolutions to add to your list to improve your approach to your heating in Beaverton, OR. Adding and fulfilling these new heating habits to your list of goals is going to be easier than you may think. This is especially true because the end result is better comfort in your home for a lower cost!

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The Difference Professional Installation Services Make

December 21st, 2020

ac-technicianThere has been a lot going on in our area lately. If anything, it makes it easier to hunker down inside our homes and find new ways to entertain ourselves and our loved ones for extended periods of time. Netflix and Hulu can only offer so much: break out the backgammon and chess boards!

But we digress.

Spending extra time at home isn’t bad. But it can be uncomfortable without a reliable heater. Whatever your situation, if you are ready to get a good whole-home heater in your home, it is important to get this job knocked out sooner than later. It is also important to have a professional be the one to perform your heating installation in Portland, OR.

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