What Can I Do to Care For My AC System?

July 20th, 2020

blue-question-markYour air conditioner is important for keeping your home comfortable. Without it, things would be just as bad indoors as they are outdoors. Knowing how important your AC is to your home comfort, you may be wondering what you can do to keep it in great condition.

The first thing you can do is make sure you schedule timely professional air conditioning services with our team of technicians. Professional maintenance and repairs are your best defense against early breakdowns and discomfort. With that said, there are a few small things you can do to help reduce the stress your AC might encounter.

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No Ducts? No Problem! You Can Still Stay Cool

July 6th, 2020

woman-operating-ductless-systemIf your home is on the older side, it may not have ductwork installed in it. Likewise, if your home is a little small, it may not have room for ducts. This can make it tough to get a reliable air conditioning system that can cool the entire house. Portable AC units can only go so far, after all. So when summer temperatures roll around, you may start wondering how you are going to make it until things cool off in fall.

What if we told you that you didn’t have to just make do with those portable AC systems or window units? Believe it or not, you do have an option to help keep you cool without the use of ducts—a ductless mini split air conditioning system.

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The Role of Your Refrigerant

June 22nd, 2020

Air conditioners are great inventions that keep our homes cool and comfortable. Modern homeowners usually don’t need to know much about the how and why behind what makes their air conditioners cool their homes. If we asked a random person on the street how an air conditioner worked, we wouldn’t be surprised if the answer was, “Not sure. Maybe, magic?”

That’s okay! It’s our job to know what makes your AC system tick, but we also enjoy sharing that information with you. That is why we want to tell you about one of the key components in your air conditioning system that is responsible for keeping you cool: the refrigerant.

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What to Do When You Need a New Air Conditioner

June 8th, 2020

air-conditioning-repairWhen your air conditioner is ready to retire, you should want to figure out the next step before you completely lose the ability to cool your house. While an air conditioner replacement in Portland isn’t going to be avoidable, there are two ways to go about handling this situation to deal with getting a new system in place.

We’ve described your options below so you can see how best to handle the situation so you can enjoy a comfortable, cool summer this year.

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How to Tell You Need AC Repairs

May 25th, 2020

Nothing makes getting cool during summer harder than having an air conditioning unit that isn’t operating right. We don’t want you to ignore your system and try to make up the difference, but we also want to warn against jumping straight to the conclusion that an AC on the fritz needs to be replaced. That sweet spot in between is when you contact us to get your system repaired so you can get comfortable again.

Sometimes it can be a little tough to figure out when you need to schedule a repair for your air conditioner in Portland. Thankfully, you aren’t without help. We have listed some of the indicators that you should watch and listen for that will let you know to reach out to our team for help.

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Don’t Start Your A/C Before You Do This!

May 11th, 2020

spring-flowersWas that the sun? Oh boy!

The chill of winter and early spring is finally starting to let up a little bit and giving way to sunshine and warmer days. This is great for days spent throwing the frisbee in the backyard or taking a nice family walk while still maintaining a safe distance from others.

With all that said, it isn’t a big leap to guess that you are spending a lot more time at home even while the weather is getting nicer. Whether you are staying home to stay safe, or just trying to avoid the next heatwave, you are going to be relying on your air conditioning system in Aurora, OR to keep you comfortable in the coming weeks and months.

You need your air conditioner to be ready to hit the ground running, so make sure you don’t forget to take this crucial step to help prepare your system.

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Choosing Between a Heat Pump and Central AC

April 27th, 2020

Spring is here and with how quickly time seems to pass summer is probably just around the corner. This means you are going to be starting to use your air conditioning system a lot more often. Of course, if you are going to be using your AC system, it means it is going to be important to have a working AC.

Think back to the end of last summer and ask yourself how well your system was operating. Was it doing well, or was it faltering a bit? Or was it barely functioning? If you are leaning on that third option, it means it is likely that you are going to be in the market for an AC replacement. If you are in need of a replacement system, it helps to know what your options are for your next AC.

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The Importance of AC Maintenance Services

April 13th, 2020

ac-technicianWe may not be seeing a whole lot of warmth right now, or at all, but this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be making sure that your air conditioner is ready for summer. Getting this done in spring is a great idea since it means you’ll avoid any interruptions in service when things do heat up.

If you haven’t scheduled your maintenance appointment for your air conditioner just yet, we encourage you to do so soon. While some people might not think it is worth their time, we can assure you that maintenance is going to make a huge impact on your comfort and your cash flow when it comes down to the wire this summer.

If your curious as to why, we can break it down for you.

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6 Ways to Improve Your Energy Efficiency

March 30th, 2020

With everyone spending a lot more time at home as of late, it means that more of us are going to be depending on our homes to be the optimal, energy efficient havens we need them to be. This can be a little easier said than done though, with the use of home systems going up throughout the day.

We know that those of us living in Portland are always looking to find ways to boost our home energy efficiency and, while our day to day patterns might be shifting, that goal doesn’t have to change. In en effort to help you with your goal of being energy efficient, we’ve compiled a small list of ways to boost your household energy efficiency without having to reduce your home comfort.

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Choosing the Right Heater for You

March 16th, 2020

dog-under-blanket-cold-homeMaybe you’ve been struggling to keep warm this winter because you’ve been trying to keep warm with a space heater instead of using your regular heater, since using the central heater would cost far more. Those portable space heaters can be handy in specific circumstances, but they  aren’t a lasting or effective solution to heating your whole home. If you have had to subsidize the heat in your home lately with a small plug-in system, it may mean that you need to replace your overly expensive heating system.

The next question, of course, is which heating system to install in its place? We can help you decide on what system will meet your needs best.

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