Call For Repairs When…

February 3rd, 2020

burnersThere are moving boxes everywhere and you have a big task on hand: unpacking. You finally got your first home! Now, while getting things unpacked may keep you warm for a while, you might start noticing that there is a problem after you slow down–your home isn’t very warm even though the heater is running. Is there a problem with your heating system?

All too often we find people wait to call us until their problem is a big one because they aren’t sure what indicators to look for that tell them it is time for repairs. We want to help clear this subject up by providing you with some of the most common indicators you should know about. The sooner you schedule service after you pick up on one of these signs the better for you and your heater!

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Gas vs. Electric: Which Furnace Works for You?

January 20th, 2020

blue-question-markWe all know that furnaces are ideal systems for keeping a home warm and comfortable on even the cloudiest and coldest days in Portland. But did you also know that there is more than one type of furnace that can heat your house?

We want to focus on two key furnace types you may want to know about: those powered by natural gas and those powered by electricity only. The question that this creates for you is which one suits your needs better.

If you are trying to determine whether a gas furnace or an electric furnace would be better for your home, you can reach out to us for help. In the interest of providing you with some immediate guidance, we’ve collected some important information we think you should know about choosing furnaces in Portland, OR.

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The Most Vital Heater Repair

January 3rd, 2020

burnersYour furnace works hard to keep you warm. No matter how new or old it is, all that effort adds up throughout the cold winter season we get here in Oregon. The extended wear and tear of running for several days, weeks, and even months at a time leads to the need for maintenance and, inevitably, repairs.

There is a variety of repair needs that your furnace may require. They can range from simplistic (a filter change) to the complicated (a broken fan). The key when you realize you need a furnace repair in Beaverton, OR is to reach out for help from a trained HVAC technician sooner rather than later.

With all that said, we do want to discuss one repair need in particular that you should be more aware of. While no repair should be put off, this repair in particular is one that should be addressed ASAP, no if’s, and’s, or but’s about it!

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The Gift of Saving on Your Heating Bill

December 23rd, 2019

family-comfortable-warmBeaverton is a beautiful area of Oregon. It is also currently pretty cold. And let’s be honest, even when temperatures aren’t at their coldest, we would all prefer to stay warm and cozy inside when it is pouring rain most of the day.

This is the time of year when we rely on our heaters the most. That also means that it is the season when our heating bills can start getting a pricier than we’d like. Thankfully, there are several ways that you can improve the warmth in your home and facilitate your furnace’s job.

The next time your go to turn on your furnace heater, you might try some of the following ways to help ease the job it has to do. These include:

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4 Benefits of a Ductless Heat Pump

December 9th, 2019

ductless-heat-pumpWhen it comes to heating systems in Portland, there are so many different types out there that it can be hard to remember them all. But there is one type of heater that stands out to us: the ductless mini split heat pump. These are nifty systems for a multitude of reasons aside from being great for custom heating solutions.

And we know how important a reliable heating system can be when temperatures take a real tumble.

So, whether you are in the market for a new heater or you are simply curious about the popularity of ductless heating mini splits in Portland, OR, we think it is important for everyone to know what the benefits of a ductless heat pump are.

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Duct Cleaning Can Help Keep You Comfortable

November 25th, 2019

Inside-an-Air-DuctWhen you run your heater during the cooler months here in Oregon, it is imaginable that you want warm air that is also clean and clear of most dust and debris. However, if you have a ductwork system that hasn’t been cleaned in a good long while, you may have trouble enjoying either warm air or clean air.

Thankfully, this can be addressed with duct cleaning in Beaverton, OR. These services are meant to make sure you get to enjoy a home with a comfortable temperature without having it be plagued by dust. If you aren’t sure whether or not you should opt for duct cleaning services, we may be able to help you.

We have provided some details about how this service helps keep your home clean and enhances your heaters energy efficiency as well.

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Geothermal: A Long Term HVAC System

November 11th, 2019


The average heating system tends to last up to 15 years at the maximum. But what if you had a heating system that lasted longer—say closer to half a decade? The system we are describing isn’t a fantasy. It is a real heating system that you can use for your home.

Geothermal HVAC systems are used as effective heaters for homes around the nation. This is a kind of heat pump system that uses the temperature of the earth to provide heat, rather than using the air outside as the source of heat to warm your home.

With increased efficiency and a longer lifespan, it is surprising more people don’t know about these wonderful heating systems. That is why we want to spread the word about geothermal systems and let you know that, if you might be interested in investing in geothermal HVAC in Gresham, OR, we are the team that can help.

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Signs You Need Boiler Repair

October 28th, 2019

tech-working-on-gas-boilerIt is always nice to be able to walk through your door and into a comfortably temperate home after a day spent trying to get away from the cold. If you could give your boiler a thank-you card, you might consider doing it.

Rest assured, there is a way to thank your boiler for a job well done, and that is by taking good care of it. Your heater works hard to keep you warm and every once in a while it will need a little extra attention to keep running well. What we are referring to is the need for repairs.

We understand repairs can seem pricey, but they are well worth it if they keep your boiler running and stave off the need for an even pricier replacement.

If you aren’t sure whether your boiler needs maintenance services or full-on repairs, we can give you some insight on how to tell.

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Your Fall Furnace Maintenance Checklist

October 14th, 2019

heating-repair-optionsYour mind has probably switched its focus from your air conditioner to your furnace. It makes sense as you are more likely to turn on your heater in the recent lower temperatures Oregon City has been experiencing since the arrival of the fall season.

But when you go to switch on the heat, do you hesitate because you aren’t sure about when the last time was your heating system was checked? Honestly we wish that more people did, because it could save them a lot of time, money and warmth in the colder days to come!

It’s advisable to take the time to do a thorough check-up on your furnace long before you ever turn it on. If you have already begun using this system, don’t worry. It isn’t too late to make time to give your heater a once over.

If you aren’t sure what you should be looking for, we have provided you with a checklist of what to examine and look for. If you notice an issue with your system however, we urge you to call a professional for help.

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What a Furnace Upgrade Means for You

September 30th, 2019

Furnaces are deceptively simple. Many homeowners imagine furnaces like they used to be in picture books: a big old iron box that you throw oil or wood into with great pipes that lead through the ceiling. Most furnaces are not like that. They’re complicated machines that function using gas or electric burners, constantly cycling through fuel to heat the air through your home.

So, if your furnace resembles the clunky iron box in a children’s book, then you might want to consider purchasing an upgrade before you’re stuck looking into furnace repair in Gresham, OR. These systems become more efficient, safer, and comfortable every year. You’re honestly missing out by forgetting that.

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