Signs You Need Boiler Repair

October 28th, 2019

tech-working-on-gas-boilerIt is always nice to be able to walk through your door and into a comfortably temperate home after a day spent trying to get away from the cold. If you could give your boiler a thank-you card, you might consider doing it.

Rest assured, there is a way to thank your boiler for a job well done, and that is by taking good care of it. Your heater works hard to keep you warm and every once in a while it will need a little extra attention to keep running well. What we are referring to is the need for repairs.

We understand repairs can seem pricey, but they are well worth it if they keep your boiler running and stave off the need for an even pricier replacement.

If you aren’t sure whether your boiler needs maintenance services or full-on repairs, we can give you some insight on how to tell.

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Your Fall Furnace Maintenance Checklist

October 14th, 2019

heating-repair-optionsYour mind has probably switched its focus from your air conditioner to your furnace. It makes sense as you are more likely to turn on your heater in the recent lower temperatures Oregon City has been experiencing since the arrival of the fall season.

But when you go to switch on the heat, do you hesitate because you aren’t sure about when the last time was your heating system was checked? Honestly we wish that more people did, because it could save them a lot of time, money and warmth in the colder days to come!

It’s advisable to take the time to do a thorough check-up on your furnace long before you ever turn it on. If you have already begun using this system, don’t worry. It isn’t too late to make time to give your heater a once over.

If you aren’t sure what you should be looking for, we have provided you with a checklist of what to examine and look for. If you notice an issue with your system however, we urge you to call a professional for help.

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What a Furnace Upgrade Means for You

September 30th, 2019

Furnaces are deceptively simple. Many homeowners imagine furnaces like they used to be in picture books: a big old iron box that you throw oil or wood into with great pipes that lead through the ceiling. Most furnaces are not like that. They’re complicated machines that function using gas or electric burners, constantly cycling through fuel to heat the air through your home.

So, if your furnace resembles the clunky iron box in a children’s book, then you might want to consider purchasing an upgrade before you’re stuck looking into furnace repair in Gresham, OR. These systems become more efficient, safer, and comfortable every year. You’re honestly missing out by forgetting that.

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I’ve Got Radon! What Do I Do?

September 16th, 2019

Whatever you do, don’t panic! Consumers buy homes all the time that end up having radon problems. If the story ended there, it would be all over the news and we’d have a catastrophe on our hands. The reality is that there are many solutions to this kind of problem in your home, and with proper testing and mitigation, you can be as radon-free as any other home in your neighborhood. Have you stopped panicking yet?

In this post, we’ll be going over some of the basics of radon. We’ll be discussing what it is, where it comes from, what we do to test for it, and most importantly, what to do if you find yourself with a bad radon problem. Dealing with radon gas isn’t as bad as you might think, but it’s not a walk in the park either. So, stay vigilant and take a few notes if you have to, and remember to call the professionals for radon mitigation in Portland, OR.

Let’s get right to it.

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Size Does Matter: Trouble with an Incorrectly Sized AC

September 2nd, 2019

An incorrectly sized air conditioner could mean big trouble for you and your wallet in the near future. Like an incorrectly sized engine in the wrong car, you could find yourself with a failed air conditioner on the hottest day of the year and no idea how it happened. Homeowners like to think that all air conditioner problems are in the same category, that eventually you can get them fixed and your AC system will be like new.

Unfortunately, that’s not true. A filter issue or a thermostat miscalibration is one thing, but having your air conditioner be the wrong size for your house can shortly lead to the need for a new AC system. Imagine trying to get new tires on your car only to find out that you need to buy a whole new car because the whole thing is ruined.

It sucks right? Well, perhaps what we’re about to talk about could help you get solid AC repair in Gresham, OR for your incorrectly sized unit.

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When Should My Home Be Tested for Radon?

August 19th, 2019

Do you live on the fourth floor of a building? No? Then you might want to pay attention. Radon is the number-one cause of lung cancer among non-smokers, according to the EPA, which is reason enough to be up to date on your radon testing. But how your home is built and how the radon mitigation is installed is what really dictates how susceptible you and your family are to the harmful effects of radon. Whether you just moved, your living patterns have changed, or you haven’t had a radon test in recent memory, it is always good to be vigilant and schedule a test as soon as possible.

The EPA is exact about both the detriment radon can have on your health and the circumstances in which you should run a radon test. Not only that, but when these tests show results, it can be a little terrifying. That’s why it is so important for you to be informed about radon testing and mitigation in Portland, OR, so you can decide what’s safest for you and your family.

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How You Know You’ve Found the Right HVAC Contractor

August 5th, 2019

You would never hire your best friend to fix your teeth for you (unless, of course, they were an educated and licensed dentist!). And you would never hire a dentist to come and fix your car (unless, of course, that dentist also happened to be a professionally trained mechanic!). See, what we are trying to say is that when it comes to your HVAC system, you don’t want anyone but a certified and licensed professional to perform your installation, repair, and maintenance services.

But how do you know if you’ve found the right contractor to take on the job?

Well, for one, you keep reading the post below! We have listed some of the qualities you should look for the next time you need to schedule your important HVAC services in Beaverton, OR.

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Wait, Do Geothermal Systems Work in the Summer Too?

July 22nd, 2019

Just because the word thermal is right in the middle of the word “geothermal” doesn’t mean that all these systems do is heat. That’s right–in addition to keeping your home warm and toasty in the winter, a geothermal system is able to keep your home cool and comfortable in the summer. Like all heat pumps, geothermal systems come equipped with a reversing valve, which allows for home heating and cooling. But how is a geothermal system different?

Many homeowners don’t really understand how geothermal systems work, so below, we’ve explained it all to you (well at the very least, what it is you should know about your geothermal system). All you’ve got to do is keep reading to find out more. 

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Ready for a New AC? Why Not Consider a Heat Pump?

July 8th, 2019

If you are in the market for a new air conditioning system this year, why not consider a heat pump? These systems are extremely efficient, effective, and can provide year-round comfort with just the flip of a switch (oops, spoilers!) In fact, we can’t see many reasons why homeowners wouldn’t want this type of system in their homes!

Below, we have listed all of the benefits of making the switch to a heat pump (or at least as many as we could think of!) All you have to do is keep reading to find out more — and of course, remember to contact a professional for your AC installation in Portland, OR.

Okay, now where were we? Oh yeah, that’s right: heat pumps!

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4 Warning Signs of AC Troubles

June 24th, 2019

air-conditioner-surrounded-by-savingsOf course, the last thing you need during a hot summer day is a broken air conditioner. A broken-down air conditioner can spell all sorts of trouble for your comfort and your budget, so it’s probably in your best interest to have your AC repaired as soon as possible if you’ve got a problem on your hands. But, how can you tell if there even is a problem?

There are a number of signs that suggest your air conditioner is in need of repairs, and below, we have listed a few of them for you. All you have to do is keep reading to learn more! And remember to call for professional AC repair in Oregon City, OR if you notice any of the following tell-tale signs.

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