Go Ductless for Winter

January 21st, 2019

woman-operating-ductless-systemDuctless mini split systems are becoming more popular by the day, but for the most part, most homeowners are still using ducted systems. These include systems like furnaces, central air conditioners, and standard heat pumps.

While ducted systems are a great choice, there are plenty of reasons to lose the ducts and go with a ductless heat pump instead. The only issue is that most people don’t realize how beneficial it can be to make the switch. Here are a few of those benefits:

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Short-Cycling is Your Furnace’s Cry for Help

January 7th, 2019

furnace-inspectionYou can learn a lot about the condition of your furnace by listening to it. Now don’t get us wrong… We’re not implying that we’re mystical furnace gurus who can actually communicate with furnaces. We’re just going off our experience and our expertise on heaters!

There are many noises and strange behaviors your furnace can make, but in this post, we want to focus on one in particular: short-cycling. This is what happens when your furnace rapidly turns on and off. The first sign you’ll most likely notice is the sound of the furnace constantly clicking on and off. Keep reading, though, and you’ll understand how short-cycling is a sign from your furnace that it’s in danger.

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Winter Is Here, It’s Time for Duct Cleaning

December 24th, 2018

ductcleaning-before-afterWe’ve just officially entered winter. We know you’d much rather be thinking about the holidays and family, but there’s one thing you need to get out of the way. Take care of it now and you won’t have to worry about it later:

Duct cleaning.

Although you can get duct cleaning any time of year, we find it especially beneficial to have it done in winter (and preferably before winter).

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Consider a High Velocity Heating System for Your Home

December 10th, 2018

man-stays-warmThe most common heating options for homes consist of heat pumps and furnaces. But the “common” doesn’t account for every type of home! For smaller or older homes, those types of heaters just aren’t possible.

In comes the high-velocity heating system. Not only are these systems great for traditional homes, but they’re also actually growing in popularity due to the benefits of their unique features. Of course, only qualified heating experts in Portland, OR can install them. Let’s look a bit closer into these systems to see what makes them so different.

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Furnace Maintenance Isn’t Just Another Chore

November 26th, 2018

furnace-maintenanceWhen most homeowners are told that their HVAC system needs maintenance, they usually file it away in a section of their mind where all the other “you should” things go. You should go to the dentist every 6 months. You should exercise three times a week for twenty to thirty minutes. You should not eat sugar. You get the idea…

We won’t act coy about it—we’re fully in support of the idea that every HVAC system needs routine, annual maintenance in Portland, OR. Not just to keep your running smoothly, but for you and your family’s safety. At the least, we’ll do our best to really show you how maintenance fits in the big picture of HVAC performance.

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Fall and Winter Are Great Times for Indoor Air Quality Services

November 12th, 2018

sick-woman-blowing-noseWith the arrival of the cold season, we have to keep our health in mind. Our body’s immune systems are compromised through this time, and you or your family members could become sick due to indoor air quality issues.

But does this mean that your indoor air quality is getting worse in the cold? Not quite. It could be that you’ve had these air issues all along, and they’re affecting you only now in this cold weather. If this sounds like you or one of your family members, then you can find great relief through maintaining a good indoor air quality.

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Signs Your Forced-Air Heater Needs Repairs

October 29th, 2018

burnersForced-air heaters are some of the most common heaters in the country. If we had to guess what kind of heater you have in your home right now, we’d be correct in guessing that you have a furnace (statistically speaking, at least). Some of you may also have heat pumps, another type of forced-air heater that also doubles as an air conditioner.

While both of these systems operate quite well, they do have their share of common repair issues, just as any other heater would. We don’t want you to be stuck in the cold, so make sure to call for furnace repair in Portland, OR at the first sign of trouble.

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Which Forced-Air Heater Should I Install?

October 15th, 2018

heating-repair-optionsDo you know anyone in Portland, OR with a boiler? It’s not like they’re impossible to find, but they’re not all too common, either. Instead, you’ll find that forced-air heaters are much better suited to the needs of a typical Portland homeowner. They’re quite effective and don’t require a huge sum of money to install.

Of course, even forced-air heaters vary amongst each other, on everything from price to function. We’ll help clear the air on the differences, so you can make a more informed installation or replacement when that time comes.

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3 Myths About Furnace Efficiency

October 1st, 2018

gas-furnaceIt’s finally that time of year. Temperatures are steadily dropping, we’ve shut off our air conditioners, and soon we’ll be running our heaters not just at night, but in the daytime too. And every year, we get countless questions about these two things: How to get the most out of their heater, and how to pay the least in operational costs.

The problem is when that need leads to some serious misconceptions about how heating works. We can’t blame you for wanting to reduce your heating costs, but some of these ideas can do the opposite of what you want.

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Two Truths and One Lie About Air Conditioners

September 17th, 2018

blue-question-markHave you ever played “Two Truths and a Lie?” It’s the perfect ice-breaker for meetings and classrooms. We think it’ll be just as fun when talking about air conditioners.

Here’s how it works: we’ll give you three statements about air conditioning, and only two of them are true. Without looking below, write down which one you think is the lie:

  • The refrigerant in the system never needs to be changed.
  • An air conditioner that’s too big is better than one that’s too small.
  • Air fresheners can create leaks in copper refrigerant coils.

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