The most overlooked and underappreciated part of your HVAC system is none other than… the air filter! The air filter is the silent defender in your HVAC system, blocking out dust and dirt and contaminants from causing a mess of problems for your system. In this post, we’ll go over everything you need to know about air filter types, how to change it, and what happens when you don’t change it.
Everything You Need to Know About Your Air Filter
September 3rd, 20183 Questions to Ask Before Replacing or Installing an AC
August 20th, 2018A good HVAC contractor in Troutdale, OR will be more than happy to answer every single one of your questions. On top of the usual questions like “how much will this cost?” and “Do I really need this or that?” we have a few more questions you can add to your list.
With these questions, our goal is to help you save some time and money in the long run. In our experience, brand-new air conditioning owners end up asking these questions at some point—better to answer them now than later.
Tips for Increasing AC Energy Efficiency
August 6th, 2018Having a much-needed heating or cooling system installed is a wonderful feeling, but that’s only half the battle… If you want to reduce your energy costs every month, you’ll need to maintain the balance between comfort and efficiency. Luckily, we have a few tips to help you with that.
Save Money With a Ductless Heat Pump
July 23rd, 2018Heat pumps are all the rage, lately. However, you may have heard that they’re one of the more expensive units upfront. This can be a big turn off for many people with a budget. In actuality, budget-minded people should be more enthusiastic about a ductless heat pump. Why?
They’re actually far more efficient than central air conditioners, capable of saving more money in the long-run. In this post, we’ll show you a few of those reasons.
Suffering From Allergies? Air Cleaning Can Help
July 9th, 2018Sore throat, stuffy nose, itchy eyes, sneezing—is it allergy season already?
Living with allergies is simply the worst. Throw asthma in the mix and you’re looking at double trouble.
If you suffer from allergies, asthma, or both, the world outside is full of your enemies: pollen, dust mites, pet dander, and more.
Unfortunately, allergens also collect inside the home. Bad indoor air quality will allow these allergens to stick around longer than they need to, making your own home an allergy trigger.
We can’t control what happens outside, but we can do more to control what happens inside. In this post, we’ll go over how air cleaning can help relieve your allergies.
Portable Vs. Whole-House Dehumidifiers
June 25th, 2018A dehumidifier is an excellent supplement to your air conditioning in Beavercreek, OR. But when it comes down to it, many people ask the same question:
“Can’t I just get a portable dehumidifier instead of a whole-house one?”
Instead of trying to convince you one way or the other, we’ve listed several qualities of dehumidifiers and compared how each model performs.
Here’s How to Tell Whether You Really Need a New AC
June 11th, 2018Your AC unit is usually the most expensive mechanical system in your home. That’s why the thought of replacing it strikes fear into the hearts of most homeowners. Even in a moderate climate like Portland’s, however, the temperature will reach 100 degrees a few days every summer, and you don’t want to be without air conditioning. But how do you know you really do need a new AC? We’ll go over the three most important indicators below.
What Is Radon and Why Is It Dangerous?
May 28th, 2018No matter where you are, if you turn on a Geiger counter, you’re going to hear a steady but infrequent pattern of clicks. This is termed background radiation and is completely normal. It is what’s found in the environment and comes from natural sources like cosmic radiation and naturally occurring materials such as radium or radon.
Rocks such as limestone, granite, and shale degrade slowly over time, releasing naturally-occurring radiation such as radon. It’s when radon levels exceed norms that you have a problem that needs attention.
The Advantages of the Ductless Heat Pump
May 14th, 2018Are you on the market for a new HVAC system? Concerned about which make and model is right for you? You’ll want to make sure that you choose wisely, since that’s a 12-15 year investment and certainly not one that you should make lightly.
There are plenty of options on the market today, and chances are that you may be a bit confused about which type of system is right for your home. We can advise you. Read on to learn more about the advantages installing a ductless heat pump in your house. They make a great fit for homes in Portland.
Right now, you can take advantage of a special promotion: SAVE UP TO $800 OFF a new ductless heat pump!
Indoor Air Quality Improves with Duct Cleaning
April 30th, 2018Spring is here, and for a lot of homes in the area, that means spring cleaning to shake the dust and the dirt off of your furnishings. But while you focus on getting the bulk of your house clean, there’s often one key part that goes overlooked: your ducts, which carry conditioned air from the heater and the air conditioning system through the various rooms of your house.
Dust and dirt can build up inside your ducts quite readily, and getting rid of it takes more than just running the duster across the vents. How do you get at dust lodged inside your system? The answer is a duct cleaning service from trained professionals. They possess the tools, skills, and experience to clear the dust out of your ducts, and in the process keep your home cleaner and your indoor air quality high. Ideally, you should schedule a duct cleaning session for your home every 2-3 years for ideal results. Here’s a quick look at how the process works.