Signs You Need Air Conditioning Repair

April 16th, 2018

air-conditioning-repairWith summer on the way, you’re going to be using your air conditioner more and more often in the coming weeks until you’re running it all day every day. Air conditioning repair issues have a way of sneaking up on you if you let them.

The good news is that many air conditioners display signs of trouble before they break down. Here’s always the chance of something unexpected happening, of course, but if you can spot the symptoms of trouble early enough, you might be able to stop a big problem while it’s still small. Now is the perfect time of year to plan such an operation: when the weather is still relatively cool and you have time to schedule the repairs at your leisure.

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Upgrade Your Air Conditioning System Before Summer Hits

April 2nd, 2018

air-conditioning-fansSpring is here, and summer will be along before you know it. Prudent homeowners will give their air conditioning systems a close look sometime this spring. It will help your unit function more effectively, and cut into those high summer bills.

If you have something more radical in mind, you might look into an upgrade or two to your system. These are options that can lower your energy bills, allow more precise cooling power and generally make your home more comfortable. If that sounds like something your home could use, now is the time to talk about an installation.

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Lower the Chances of Heating Repair with Indoor Air Quality Products

March 19th, 2018

heating-repair-optionsWe’re coming to the end of heating season here in Oregon, as spring formally arrives and temperatures start to go up along with it. Ironically, heating repair calls are more common now than any other time of the year, as overworked furnaces start to give out. Even if you haven’t suffered a breakdown in your heating system, it’s usually a good idea to schedule a maintenance session as soon as winter ends: giving the technician a chance to look it over for any problems in need of repair.

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Lower Your Heating Bills and Prevent Late Season Repairs

March 5th, 2018

heating-repair-optionsMost heating repair calls come in the late weeks of winter, when our furnaces and other heating systems have been running steadily for months. All of that strain can take its toll, which is why you should find ways to improve your heating system’s efficiency wherever you can. Not only will a more efficient heater help lower your monthly bills, but it can help prevent those repairs from ever needing to be made.

Some heating efficiency techniques are likely already practiced in your home: setting the thermostat lower than normal, for instance, or wearing warmer clothes indoors. But there are additional steps you can take as well, with the help of a friendly service technician. Here’s a brief list of some options.

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Replace Old Heating Systems Quickly

February 19th, 2018

heater-repair-serviceOlder heating systems can be put to the test whenever the winter weather gets cold. And as much as we might like them to last throughout the winter, not all of them have it in them. And when your heating system is ready to be turned in for something new, you need to make the replacement quickly, lest your home be without heat and turn into an icebox as a result. How can you recognize when a heater is having problems, and what should you keep in mind as you go about getting it replaced? The more you know, the faster it will be to act.

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Call Professionals to Deal with a Cracked Heat Exchanger

February 5th, 2018

new-heating-systemWinter is the time of year that your forced-air furnace sees daily activity, for obvious reasons. And if you have an older furnace, you need to keep a close watch on it to see if it suffers any serious damage. In particular, look for a cracked heat exchanger, which usually results in a complete shutdown of the system. The good news there is that it’s easy to spot the problem. The bad news is that it can often mean something serious, such as a cracked heat exchanger. In such circumstances, it’s vital that you call a furnace repair service immediately.

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3 Things to Look for in a Heating Repair Service

January 22nd, 2018

heating-repair-serviceJanuary is the worst time to experience a breakdown in your heating system, but it does happen. The weather is never as cold as it is in the winter, and a loss of heat could mean a health risk, as well as a loss of comfort, as your home could resemble an icebox in a matter of hours.

No one likes to think about having to call for a heating repair service, especially in the middle of a blizzard or cold front.  But sometimes it’s necessary, and when you need it, you want to make sure that the service you call is up for the job. There are a number of fine services in the area, and in the end only you can make the best move for your circumstances. There are, however a few things you should look for that can help ensure the service you call is the best one for the job.

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3 Benefits of HVAC Maintenance

January 8th, 2018

heating-system-servicingWinter is here, and while we haven’t been hit by freezing weather the way the East Coast was this weekend, we still get our share of cold nights and snow. You need your heating system to perform every day in order to keep your home comfortable, and it goes beyond that. During the coldest spells, a lack of a heater can pose health problems for your family, especially infants, the elderly, and those vulnerable to colds.

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Signs You Need Furnace Repair

December 25th, 2017

heating-system-repairsWith winter officially here, your heating system is likely going to kick into overdrive over the next few weeks: keeping your home warm during the coldest nights and providing safety as well as comfort to your entire family. A sudden breakdown can be a disaster, especially if it takes place just when you need your furnace to function the most.

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Power Levels Matter in New Heating Systems

December 11th, 2017

heating-installation-servicesWith winter fast approaching, temperatures are dropping every day. Now is the time to install a new heating system in your home, especially if your older one isn’t up to the task of keeping your home warm for another winter. Getting a new system put in now means not having to worry about your old heater breaking down just when you need it the most, or snow or similar inclement weather making a replacement session more problematic. More importantly, replacing your system now gives you the time to make a proper estimate: allowing you to make proper estimates and find the best heater for your home.

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