How Clean Ducts Help Your AC

May 8th, 2023

Your air conditioner has to work together with other components in your home to provide adequate heating and cooling. Some of these other components include your thermostat and your network of ducts. Today we are sharing more about the importance of having clean ducts for efficiency and comfort when it comes to air conditioning your home this summer. 

If you haven’t scheduled a duct cleaning in Portland, OR, in the past few years, now is a great time to do so. You might be surprised by how much dust and dirt can get trapped inside your air ducts. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of duct cleaning and how clean ductwork can help your air conditioner. 

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What Happens During a Tune-Up

April 24th, 2023

If you haven’t had an AC tune-up in the past year, now is a great time to schedule one. You can make sure that your AC is in great condition for the coming summer. But what should you expect during an AC tune-up appointment?

The short answer is, our team checks everything from top to bottom, inside and out. We get detailed with everything when it comes to AC maintenance in Clackamas, OR. You can keep reading to learn more about exactly what we do so you know what to expect at your next AC tune-up.

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Tips For Turning Off Your Gas-Powered Furnace

March 27th, 2023

As the temperature is warm up, you’re probably thinking more about your air conditioner and less about your furnace. But, your furnace still needs attention as the heating season winds down.

If you have a gas powered furnace, you want to make sure that it gets shut down the correct way in spring so that it’s in best condition when you turn it on again in the fall.

If you’ve never shut your furnace down for the spring season, it’s not too late to start. And if in doing so you notice anything about your furnace that concerns you, you may want to invest in furnace repair in Portland, OR, before heading into spring. You can keep reading to learn more about how to turn off your gas powered furnace for the spring. 

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6 Signs Your Heater Needs Repairs

March 13th, 2023

You definitely don’t want your week or month ruined by a failing heater. That’s why we want to encourage you to follow your gut instinct to get ahead of trouble.

One of the best ways to prevent trouble is through expert maintenance. This allows one of our technicians to check out your system and address issues before they escalate.

Not every problem will be preventable. At some point or another, you’ll need to schedule a heater repair in Beaverton, OR. Here’s how to tell it is time to make the call.

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We Help With Every Heater Service You Need

February 27th, 2023

At this point in the year, it is still clear that our heaters are highly important to our homes. Snow, rain, and cold temperatures would combine forces to make life indoors pretty unpleasant otherwise.

Our team wants to make sure that you can keep your heating system in prime condition whenever you need it. We make sure to provide each and every heater service in Gresham, OR so that you only have to go to one place to find the assistance you need.

Here are the comprehensive heating services you can count on The Clean Air Act for.

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Show Your Furnace Some Love With Expert Service

February 13th, 2023

We have certainly seen some drastic weather this season. It put everyone’s heaters to the test. After the extreme cold we experienced, your furnace may be feeling the hurt. Now is an ideal time to get your system checked out. After a period of more intense heating, your system may need a professional furnace repair in Beaverton, OR to keep it going.

You love when your furnace works the way it is supposed to. We’ll explain if and when you should schedule repairs to keep your system running the way you want.

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Should You Choose a Gas or All-Electric Furnace?

January 30th, 2023

Furnaces are made to provide heat in some of the coldest weather that we encounter. That’s why they are so popular in our state and beyond.

Have you been trying to get by with a space heater or another temporary form of heat? If so, this last winter may have proved to you that you truly need a powerful home heating system like a furnace. Natural gas furnaces or electric furnaces can be installed in many homes, including yours! How can you tell which one is right for you though?

Read on to find out if you would be better off with a natural gas furnace or an electric furnace in Clackamas, OR.

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The Benefits of Using a Heat Pump

January 16th, 2023

Looking for a good comfort system for your home? Kick off the new year with a heat pump installation in Portland, OR!

Heat pumps are rapidly growing in popularity for a variety of reasons. We’ve listed some of the biggest perks that come with these systems below for you to consider. With our help, you can ditch the space heaters and window ACs for a heat pump that will serve your home comfort needs better than you ever thought possible.

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6 Sounds Your Furnace Shouldn’t Make

December 19th, 2022

How has your furnace been operating lately? Is the system working around the same as always, or has your furnace begun to exhibit some strange new quirks? If you have begun to have some concerns with the way your furnace is functioning, then we’d advise reaching out to a technician for assistance.

One of the indicators that you can be on the alert for is the development of new noises from your system. Different sounds that weren’t there before can be a sign of different issues. If you pick up on any of the following sounds, we’d say now is a great time to talk to our team about furnace repair in Portland, OR.

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How Dirty Ducts Mess With Your Comfort…And How to Solve the Problem

December 5th, 2022

No one enjoys spending time in a home that is dusty and dirty. The issue is you can try to keep your home clean, but if your ductwork is dirty, it may be working against you. The rooms you dust may have dusty air that is just mucking them up the instant you turn on your heater. That is a frustrating situation!

If you are battling with dusty air then it may mean it is time to have your ductwork checked. Our team can help to address the following problems and improve your comfort and air quality in the process.

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