4 Reasons to Install a Ductless AC

June 20th, 2022

ductless-heat-pumpNew technology has allowed more people to be able to consider the possibility of getting real temperature control in their homes. In previous years, anyone in a home that couldn’t support ductwork either had to make do with fans or window air conditioners. Now, these same individuals have a new, better option: a ductless AC.

If you haven’t considered a ductless air conditioning installation in Beaverton, OR before now, it may be a good idea to do so. These systems offer home comfort opportunities that may have seemed impossible before now. Read on to learn more and see how you can cool your home off this summer—with or without ducts!

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Are AC Tune-Ups or Repairs More Important?

June 6th, 2022

blue-question-markYou want to take care of your air conditioner. A well-cared-for AC is more likely to take good care of you on a hot day, after all. But does that mean you really have to schedule tune-ups for it every year? Similarly, can you just use maintenance to address a small repair need?

You may be wondering if you can get by with just maintenance or repairs. We understand the inclination, but we want to make sure that you understand why both expert maintenance and expert repairs are vital to your AC system.

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Ready for a New AC? 3 Factors to Consider

May 23rd, 2022

If your air conditioning system is on its last legs, it’s important to start planning now for a replacement. Sometimes it can be easy to tell if your AC is on its way out, but other times it can be challenging to determine if you need to replace it.

We can help you figure out if and when you need an AC replacement and also take care of the job. Here are three key factors that will alert you to when an air conditioner needs to be replaced soon.

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Address Repairs Now; Prevent Breakdowns Later

May 9th, 2022

You may not be using your air conditioner much just yet. However, as the weather warms up you’ll want to be sure that your system is able to get its job done. If something is wrong with your AC system, the sooner you get it addressed, the better off you’ll be.

Getting an AC repair in Portland to address a malfunctioning system is something you don’t want to put off. Here are the warning signs you should know about that will tell you it is time to call a technician for assistance.

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4 Reasons To Book AC Maintenance Now

April 25th, 2022

ac-technicianWe know that Oregon enjoys keeping cool weather around for a while. That said, we are starting to see the hints of warmer weather to come. It may be a while until we need to run an air conditioner, but even so, it is a great idea to get AC maintenance in Portland, OR taken care of now.

Maintenance is highly important to the overall operation of your air conditioner when warmer temperatures hit. If you haven’t gotten your tune-up taken care of yet, now is a great time to get this service done. Read on to learn why maintenance is a great way to get the most from your AC for the lowest price.

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Battle Spring Allergies With Our Help

April 11th, 2022

spring-flowersPeople with allergies experience spring differently from the rest of us. While we visually enjoy the blooming plants and warmer temperatures, someone with allergies faces the challenge of managing a lot of triggers that might set them off. And there is nothing that can ruin a picnic so quickly as an allergy attack. (Ants are close.)

But it isn’t just the outdoor world that can present a problem for your respiratory system. Did you know that the air quality in the modern home can often be worse than the air outside? This is because all the dust, pollen, and debris that gets into the house often stays there. Thankfully, there are ways to solve this problem.

Here are some of the ways our team can help you battle your allergies and achieve better indoor air quality this year.

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Noises That No Heater Should Make

March 28th, 2022

Having a heater in your home is a great advantage. It allows you to stay warm on some of the coldest of days, and to do so without having to spend an aggressive amount of money. At least, that is how things are meant to work.

If you have a system that needs heater repair in Portland though, you may find your reality is a bit different. You might have some days with comfort and some without. Or you may struggle to get any kind of warmth at all.

Rather than battle with your heater, you can reach out to get expert repairs, especially if you hear these sounds.

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Is Your Furnace Fixable?

March 14th, 2022

A rainy, cold spring day can be enjoyable with the help of a cup of something hot, a cozy sweater, and a home kept reasonably warm by your heater. But what happens if your heater isn’t quite up to par lately? All the hot drinks and warm clothes in the world won’t replace the impact that a good furnace will have on your comfort.

Furnaces that are struggling to keep you warm are likely to need professional service to get them up and running again. The key question to consider is whether or not your system is actually fixable.

Here are the distinct signs to watch for that will let you know whether you need a furnace repair in Portland or a furnace replacement.

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5 Signs You Need Repairs For Your Furnace

February 28th, 2022

heating-installation-servicesEnjoying some relaxation inside a warm home on a cold day is a great feeling. Your furnace works hard to make sure that you can achieve this comfortable environment. If your furnace begins to struggle though, you are going to find yourself having trouble keeping warm.

Issues with your furnace shouldn’t be ignored. They aren’t going to improve on their own. This is why we want you to know we are here to help. Here are some possible warning signs that you need furnace repair in Gresham, OR so you know when to reach out for prompt service.

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Don’t Forget To Change Your Filter

February 14th, 2022

air-filterWe are in the middle of the cold season and that means we are all relying heavily on our heaters. So it makes sense that you’d want your heater to last for as long as possible without any trouble.

The need for a heating repair in Milwaukie, OR is common around this time of year. We are here to help if you need assistance getting your heater back in working order! But we are also here to help you avoid those repairs if possible.

Did you know that there is one easy task that can help you reduce your repair needs? It’s regular filter changes! Don’t believe us? Read on to discover how this helps.

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