5 Signs You Need Repairs For Your Furnace

February 28th, 2022

heating-installation-servicesEnjoying some relaxation inside a warm home on a cold day is a great feeling. Your furnace works hard to make sure that you can achieve this comfortable environment. If your furnace begins to struggle though, you are going to find yourself having trouble keeping warm.

Issues with your furnace shouldn’t be ignored. They aren’t going to improve on their own. This is why we want you to know we are here to help. Here are some possible warning signs that you need furnace repair in Gresham, OR so you know when to reach out for prompt service.

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Don’t Forget To Change Your Filter

February 14th, 2022

air-filterWe are in the middle of the cold season and that means we are all relying heavily on our heaters. So it makes sense that you’d want your heater to last for as long as possible without any trouble.

The need for a heating repair in Milwaukie, OR is common around this time of year. We are here to help if you need assistance getting your heater back in working order! But we are also here to help you avoid those repairs if possible.

Did you know that there is one easy task that can help you reduce your repair needs? It’s regular filter changes! Don’t believe us? Read on to discover how this helps.

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Why Cracked Heat Exchangers Require Quick Work

January 17th, 2022

When there is a problem with your heater, it is always best to take care of it as quickly as you can. By this, we mean getting repairs performed by a trained professional right away. Unless the problem is a dirty air filter, it is always best to leave repair in the hands of the experts.

There are some repair needs that you absolutely need to address as fast as you can. The main one we are discussing in this post is the need to fix a cracked heat exchanger. This is a problem in your furnace that can both affect your comfort and can put your well-being at risk.

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Tips on How to Choose Your Next Heater

January 3rd, 2022

heating-installation-servicesSo, you’ve noticed that the chill in the air is getting to you lately and that it’s time to invest in a new heating system. The question you are faced with now is how do you know which one to buy and install? Our team can help you answer this question and get the job done.

In this blog article, we’ll share tips on how to choose the right heating system for your home. We cover what the options are and what factors to consider for your home.

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What Noises Are Normal For a Heater To Make?

December 20th, 2021

Have you noticed that running your heater leads to the creation of a lot of noise? That shouldn’t happen. Your heater is designed to keep your home warm without making excessive amounts of noise. It shouldn’t run silently—that’s not possible, to be honest—but it also shouldn’t create concerning sounds. If it does, it means you need to reach out for heating repair in Oregon City, OR.

Knowing this, you may have one of two questions. The first is what noises is a heater NOT supposed to make? The other is what noises are normal for a heater to make? We are happy to answer these questions below and provide any heating repairs you need to get your system running normally again rather than noisily.

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Habits To Remember to Improve Your Heater Efficiency

December 6th, 2021

It is a great feeling to be able to enjoy a warm home on a cold day. However, knowing that your energy bills are going to be through the roof simply from running your heater kind of takes away some of the enjoyment. Thankfully, there are ways to avoid this. 

First of all, scheduling regular heating system maintenance each year will help to ensure that your system keeps up an optimal level of efficiency. Beyond this, there are certainly some best practices that you can and should adopt to get the best level of efficiency from your system.

Let’s explore some of the habits that you can start to use on a regular basis this season for the best level of efficiency and effectiveness from your heater.

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6 Problems Your Heater Might Have

November 22nd, 2021

furnace-inspectionYou deserve to be able to rely on your heating system when temperatures get too cold for comfort. The truth is though, your heater may not be up to the task of keeping you warm right now. This is because you might need to schedule a heating repair in Milwaukie, OR.

This shouldn’t be too much of a shock. Over the course of a heating system’s lifespan, there will be a need for repairs now and then. If you are curious about what might be causing problems within your system, we have some answers below. We also have the services that will get your system back in working order in no time.

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5 Heating Systems You Can Choose From

November 8th, 2021

checklist-with-red-markerMaybe your heater is on its last legs and you’re starting to explore your replacement options, and that’s what brought you to this post. There are a lot of options to consider! We can’t tell you which one is the right choice for you in a blog post without hearing about your specific circumstances or seeing your living space. But what we can do is inform you of your choices, and another thing we can tell you with certainty is that when you need quality, professional Beaverton, OR heating services, you needn’t look any further than The Clean Air Act!

Read on as we uncover five heating systems you can choose from.

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3 Scary Issues Your Furnace May Have

October 25th, 2021

The modern gas-powered furnace is built to be safe. There are stringent safety measures that these systems have to meet in order to be released to the consumer market. We start here because we want to make sure that we don’t worry anyone unnecessarily about their gas furnace. If it was installed in your home, it was made to run safely!

However, there are issues that your furnace can develop due to old age and large amounts of wear and tear that can cause it to become dangerous. The easy way to avoid this is, of course, to schedule yearly maintenance and to replace your furnace when it reaches “retirement age,” before it can develop a major problem.

What are these scary issues that your furnace can develop? Let’s take a look at the main three:

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Scary High Energy Bills? Let Us Help

October 11th, 2021

You just got the mail and you see that there is a bill from the energy company in the stack. Normally this would just be status quo, but lately, those monthly bills have been sending you reeling. If you are afraid to open that envelope and see what your monthly dues are, then we need you to know that this is not a normal situation. Unless you’ve been using your heater to power your home and your neighbors your energy bills should not be that bad!

High energy bills are often the sign of a problem with your comfort system, thermostat, or another part of your HVAC setup. Our team can help you narrow things down to identify the culprit, unmask the problem, and provide an effective solution that banishes those bad bills.

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