It’s a New Year and that means starting things off with the best of intentions to fulfill goals that improve our lives and livelihoods. While that goal to visit the gym every day may prove to be a little tougher to achieve, we want to give you some resolutions to add to your list to improve your approach to your heating in Beaverton, OR. Adding and fulfilling these new heating habits to your list of goals is going to be easier than you may think. This is especially true because the end result is better comfort in your home for a lower cost!
The Clean Air Act Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Beaverton’
Start the Year Off With These 5 New Heating Habits
Monday, January 4th, 2021Call For Repairs When…
Monday, February 3rd, 2020There are moving boxes everywhere and you have a big task on hand: unpacking. You finally got your first home! Now, while getting things unpacked may keep you warm for a while, you might start noticing that there is a problem after you slow down–your home isn’t very warm even though the heater is running. Is there a problem with your heating system?
All too often we find people wait to call us until their problem is a big one because they aren’t sure what indicators to look for that tell them it is time for repairs. We want to help clear this subject up by providing you with some of the most common indicators you should know about. The sooner you schedule service after you pick up on one of these signs the better for you and your heater!
The Most Vital Heater Repair
Friday, January 3rd, 2020Your furnace works hard to keep you warm. No matter how new or old it is, all that effort adds up throughout the cold winter season we get here in Oregon. The extended wear and tear of running for several days, weeks, and even months at a time leads to the need for maintenance and, inevitably, repairs.
There is a variety of repair needs that your furnace may require. They can range from simplistic (a filter change) to the complicated (a broken fan). The key when you realize you need a furnace repair in Beaverton, OR is to reach out for help from a trained HVAC technician sooner rather than later.
With all that said, we do want to discuss one repair need in particular that you should be more aware of. While no repair should be put off, this repair in particular is one that should be addressed ASAP, no if’s, and’s, or but’s about it!
The Gift of Saving on Your Heating Bill
Monday, December 23rd, 2019Beaverton is a beautiful area of Oregon. It is also currently pretty cold. And let’s be honest, even when temperatures aren’t at their coldest, we would all prefer to stay warm and cozy inside when it is pouring rain most of the day.
This is the time of year when we rely on our heaters the most. That also means that it is the season when our heating bills can start getting a pricier than we’d like. Thankfully, there are several ways that you can improve the warmth in your home and facilitate your furnace’s job.
The next time your go to turn on your furnace heater, you might try some of the following ways to help ease the job it has to do. These include:
Duct Cleaning Can Help Keep You Comfortable
Monday, November 25th, 2019When you run your heater during the cooler months here in Oregon, it is imaginable that you want warm air that is also clean and clear of most dust and debris. However, if you have a ductwork system that hasn’t been cleaned in a good long while, you may have trouble enjoying either warm air or clean air.
Thankfully, this can be addressed with duct cleaning in Beaverton, OR. These services are meant to make sure you get to enjoy a home with a comfortable temperature without having it be plagued by dust. If you aren’t sure whether or not you should opt for duct cleaning services, we may be able to help you.
We have provided some details about how this service helps keep your home clean and enhances your heaters energy efficiency as well.
How You Know You’ve Found the Right HVAC Contractor
Monday, August 5th, 2019You would never hire your best friend to fix your teeth for you (unless, of course, they were an educated and licensed dentist!). And you would never hire a dentist to come and fix your car (unless, of course, that dentist also happened to be a professionally trained mechanic!). See, what we are trying to say is that when it comes to your HVAC system, you don’t want anyone but a certified and licensed professional to perform your installation, repair, and maintenance services.
But how do you know if you’ve found the right contractor to take on the job?
Well, for one, you keep reading the post below! We have listed some of the qualities you should look for the next time you need to schedule your important HVAC services in Beaverton, OR.
These 5 AC Repair Problems Mean Trouble
Monday, May 27th, 2019With the start of a new cooling season, that means increased use of your air conditioner. Likewise, that means another year of service for your AC. We don’t mean to be pessimistic, but another year means another chance for repair problems to develop.
Below, we’ll go over some common AC repair problems to be on the lookout for. Allowing these problems to go on without resolution can lower your efficiency or even lead to worse issues down the line, so don’t hesitate to contact an air conditioning repair expert in Beaverton, OR if you notice them in your own system.
Suffering From Allergies? Air Cleaning Can Help
Monday, July 9th, 2018Sore throat, stuffy nose, itchy eyes, sneezing—is it allergy season already?
Living with allergies is simply the worst. Throw asthma in the mix and you’re looking at double trouble.
If you suffer from allergies, asthma, or both, the world outside is full of your enemies: pollen, dust mites, pet dander, and more.
Unfortunately, allergens also collect inside the home. Bad indoor air quality will allow these allergens to stick around longer than they need to, making your own home an allergy trigger.
We can’t control what happens outside, but we can do more to control what happens inside. In this post, we’ll go over how air cleaning can help relieve your allergies.
Signs You Need Air Conditioning Repair
Monday, April 16th, 2018With summer on the way, you’re going to be using your air conditioner more and more often in the coming weeks until you’re running it all day every day. Air conditioning repair issues have a way of sneaking up on you if you let them.
The good news is that many air conditioners display signs of trouble before they break down. Here’s always the chance of something unexpected happening, of course, but if you can spot the symptoms of trouble early enough, you might be able to stop a big problem while it’s still small. Now is the perfect time of year to plan such an operation: when the weather is still relatively cool and you have time to schedule the repairs at your leisure.
Upgrade Your Air Conditioning System Before Summer Hits
Monday, April 2nd, 2018Spring is here, and summer will be along before you know it. Prudent homeowners will give their air conditioning systems a close look sometime this spring. It will help your unit function more effectively, and cut into those high summer bills.
If you have something more radical in mind, you might look into an upgrade or two to your system. These are options that can lower your energy bills, allow more precise cooling power and generally make your home more comfortable. If that sounds like something your home could use, now is the time to talk about an installation.