A broken-down furnace is the last thing you need on a cold winter morning. The InterNACHI’s Standard Estimated Life Expectancy Chart for Homes states that a furnace has an estimated life of 15–25 years. If the furnace is nearing that age range, it might need to be repaired. Meanwhile, the following are a few signs to tell if your furnace needs repairs:
The Clean Air Act Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Furnace Repair’
How to Tell if Your Furnace Needs Repairs
Monday, March 29th, 20213 Reasons To Love Your Furnace
Monday, February 15th, 2021Furnaces are popular heating systems around here. And that is for good reasons. They are known for being highly efficient and highly effective even when temperatures outside are too chilly for even the most cold-resistant local to handle. The system works hard to get the job done, so you have every reason to appreciate it throughout the winter.
Maybe you only recently got a furnace or you’ve never really thought about the incredible work these systems do. Whatever the case might be, we want to give you some details on why your furnace heater deserves your appreciation for keeping you warm. Here are three reasons to love your furnace and make sure that you do everything possible to care for it right:
Don’t Ignore a Noisy Furnace
Monday, January 18th, 2021We’ve all heard the horror stories of someone’s house going up in flames thanks to an old furnace becoming a fire risk. We want to give you some reassurance here. These instances involve systems that are in serious disrepair even need to just be replaced. Furnaces don’t just set things on fire out of nowhere. Gas-burning systems are built to be as safe as possible. They should remain safe to use too as long as you are on top of scheduling furnace service in Beaverton, OR.
You may be wondering what some of the earlier signs of furnace trouble are. How do you know when to schedule service long before things take a turn for the worse? Listen to your system! No, we don’t mean to try to get your furnace to talk. We mean listen to the sounds it makes when it runs.
Do You Have a Furnace Problem?
Monday, November 9th, 2020The Halloween decorations are coming down and the snuggly decor that is meant for fall and winter is being pulled out. We are all preparing to settle in for the coming months of cold, wet weather with the hopes of seeing some of our loved ones in the near future too.
Whether you are spending the next few months with your immediate family or you have loved ones coming from out of town for a long-overdue visit, you’ll want to make sure that your home is as warm and welcoming as possible. To do that, you have to make sure that your furnace is in prime working order. We can help with that by offering expert diagnostics and repairs when issues pop up.
The Most Vital Heater Repair
Friday, January 3rd, 2020Your furnace works hard to keep you warm. No matter how new or old it is, all that effort adds up throughout the cold winter season we get here in Oregon. The extended wear and tear of running for several days, weeks, and even months at a time leads to the need for maintenance and, inevitably, repairs.
There is a variety of repair needs that your furnace may require. They can range from simplistic (a filter change) to the complicated (a broken fan). The key when you realize you need a furnace repair in Beaverton, OR is to reach out for help from a trained HVAC technician sooner rather than later.
With all that said, we do want to discuss one repair need in particular that you should be more aware of. While no repair should be put off, this repair in particular is one that should be addressed ASAP, no if’s, and’s, or but’s about it!
Your Fall Furnace Maintenance Checklist
Monday, October 14th, 2019Your mind has probably switched its focus from your air conditioner to your furnace. It makes sense as you are more likely to turn on your heater in the recent lower temperatures Oregon City has been experiencing since the arrival of the fall season.
But when you go to switch on the heat, do you hesitate because you aren’t sure about when the last time was your heating system was checked? Honestly we wish that more people did, because it could save them a lot of time, money and warmth in the colder days to come!
It’s advisable to take the time to do a thorough check-up on your furnace long before you ever turn it on. If you have already begun using this system, don’t worry. It isn’t too late to make time to give your heater a once over.
If you aren’t sure what you should be looking for, we have provided you with a checklist of what to examine and look for. If you notice an issue with your system however, we urge you to call a professional for help.
Why Isn’t My Furnace Starting?
Monday, April 1st, 2019There are many different ways that a furnace can malfunction. But a furnace that fails to start is probably the easiest to understand.
A furnace that turns on but doesn’t deliver hot air is something that’s hard to test and diagnose. Meanwhile, a furnace that turns off and on without thoroughly heating the home is another set of potential problems on its own.
If your furnace doesn’t turn on at all, there’s a good chance that it can easily be fixed by restoring some connections or having a quick maintenance check performed. Allow us to explain…
Furnace Not Working? It Could Be…
Monday, February 4th, 2019Is your furnace refusing to work? It’s tough to say what the problem is without being there. At the very least, we can help you narrow it down. Identifying a problem is one thing, but fixing it is another.
We don’t recommend any DIY work on furnaces, as any improper repairs can cause electrocution or damage to the furnace. With that being said, your furnace problems could be caused by:
Short-Cycling is Your Furnace’s Cry for Help
Monday, January 7th, 2019You can learn a lot about the condition of your furnace by listening to it. Now don’t get us wrong… We’re not implying that we’re mystical furnace gurus who can actually communicate with furnaces. We’re just going off our experience and our expertise on heaters!
There are many noises and strange behaviors your furnace can make, but in this post, we want to focus on one in particular: short-cycling. This is what happens when your furnace rapidly turns on and off. The first sign you’ll most likely notice is the sound of the furnace constantly clicking on and off. Keep reading, though, and you’ll understand how short-cycling is a sign from your furnace that it’s in danger.
3 Myths About Furnace Efficiency
Monday, October 1st, 2018It’s finally that time of year. Temperatures are steadily dropping, we’ve shut off our air conditioners, and soon we’ll be running our heaters not just at night, but in the daytime too. And every year, we get countless questions about these two things: How to get the most out of their heater, and how to pay the least in operational costs.
The problem is when that need leads to some serious misconceptions about how heating works. We can’t blame you for wanting to reduce your heating costs, but some of these ideas can do the opposite of what you want.