It’s a New Year and that means starting things off with the best of intentions to fulfill goals that improve our lives and livelihoods. While that goal to visit the gym every day may prove to be a little tougher to achieve, we want to give you some resolutions to add to your list to improve your approach to your heating in Beaverton, OR. Adding and fulfilling these new heating habits to your list of goals is going to be easier than you may think. This is especially true because the end result is better comfort in your home for a lower cost!
The Clean Air Act Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heating’
Start the Year Off With These 5 New Heating Habits
Monday, January 4th, 20216 Ways to Improve Your Energy Efficiency
Monday, March 30th, 2020With everyone spending a lot more time at home as of late, it means that more of us are going to be depending on our homes to be the optimal, energy efficient havens we need them to be. This can be a little easier said than done though, with the use of home systems going up throughout the day.
We know that those of us living in Portland are always looking to find ways to boost our home energy efficiency and, while our day to day patterns might be shifting, that goal doesn’t have to change. In en effort to help you with your goal of being energy efficient, we’ve compiled a small list of ways to boost your household energy efficiency without having to reduce your home comfort.
Signs You Need Boiler Repair
Monday, October 28th, 2019It is always nice to be able to walk through your door and into a comfortably temperate home after a day spent trying to get away from the cold. If you could give your boiler a thank-you card, you might consider doing it.
Rest assured, there is a way to thank your boiler for a job well done, and that is by taking good care of it. Your heater works hard to keep you warm and every once in a while it will need a little extra attention to keep running well. What we are referring to is the need for repairs.
We understand repairs can seem pricey, but they are well worth it if they keep your boiler running and stave off the need for an even pricier replacement.
If you aren’t sure whether your boiler needs maintenance services or full-on repairs, we can give you some insight on how to tell.
What a Furnace Upgrade Means for You
Monday, September 30th, 2019Furnaces are deceptively simple. Many homeowners imagine furnaces like they used to be in picture books: a big old iron box that you throw oil or wood into with great pipes that lead through the ceiling. Most furnaces are not like that. They’re complicated machines that function using gas or electric burners, constantly cycling through fuel to heat the air through your home.
So, if your furnace resembles the clunky iron box in a children’s book, then you might want to consider purchasing an upgrade before you’re stuck looking into furnace repair in Gresham, OR. These systems become more efficient, safer, and comfortable every year. You’re honestly missing out by forgetting that.
Are Geothermal Heaters the Most Efficient?
Monday, March 18th, 2019If you’ve had your HVAC system for a few years already, you understand that the only thing better than a working heater is an efficient heater. Getting comfort at the lowest possible monthly price can become a game in itself, as you try to instill the best heating habits and arrange for maintenance checks at the right time.
However, aside from getting maintenance and changing the air filter on your heater, there are few things you can do to make a serious impact on your efficiency. At that point, what you’d need is a more efficient heating system.
In this post, we’ll talk about if geothermal systems are truly the key to efficient heating in Portland, OR.
Lower the Chances of Heating Repair with Indoor Air Quality Products
Monday, March 19th, 2018We’re coming to the end of heating season here in Oregon, as spring formally arrives and temperatures start to go up along with it. Ironically, heating repair calls are more common now than any other time of the year, as overworked furnaces start to give out. Even if you haven’t suffered a breakdown in your heating system, it’s usually a good idea to schedule a maintenance session as soon as winter ends: giving the technician a chance to look it over for any problems in need of repair.
Lower Your Heating Bills and Prevent Late Season Repairs
Monday, March 5th, 2018Most heating repair calls come in the late weeks of winter, when our furnaces and other heating systems have been running steadily for months. All of that strain can take its toll, which is why you should find ways to improve your heating system’s efficiency wherever you can. Not only will a more efficient heater help lower your monthly bills, but it can help prevent those repairs from ever needing to be made.
Some heating efficiency techniques are likely already practiced in your home: setting the thermostat lower than normal, for instance, or wearing warmer clothes indoors. But there are additional steps you can take as well, with the help of a friendly service technician. Here’s a brief list of some options.
Replace Old Heating Systems Quickly
Monday, February 19th, 2018Older heating systems can be put to the test whenever the winter weather gets cold. And as much as we might like them to last throughout the winter, not all of them have it in them. And when your heating system is ready to be turned in for something new, you need to make the replacement quickly, lest your home be without heat and turn into an icebox as a result. How can you recognize when a heater is having problems, and what should you keep in mind as you go about getting it replaced? The more you know, the faster it will be to act.
Call Professionals to Deal with a Cracked Heat Exchanger
Monday, February 5th, 2018Winter is the time of year that your forced-air furnace sees daily activity, for obvious reasons. And if you have an older furnace, you need to keep a close watch on it to see if it suffers any serious damage. In particular, look for a cracked heat exchanger, which usually results in a complete shutdown of the system. The good news there is that it’s easy to spot the problem. The bad news is that it can often mean something serious, such as a cracked heat exchanger. In such circumstances, it’s vital that you call a furnace repair service immediately.
3 Things to Look for in a Heating Repair Service
Monday, January 22nd, 2018January is the worst time to experience a breakdown in your heating system, but it does happen. The weather is never as cold as it is in the winter, and a loss of heat could mean a health risk, as well as a loss of comfort, as your home could resemble an icebox in a matter of hours.
No one likes to think about having to call for a heating repair service, especially in the middle of a blizzard or cold front. But sometimes it’s necessary, and when you need it, you want to make sure that the service you call is up for the job. There are a number of fine services in the area, and in the end only you can make the best move for your circumstances. There are, however a few things you should look for that can help ensure the service you call is the best one for the job.