The Clean Air Act Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heating’

3 Benefits of HVAC Maintenance

Monday, January 8th, 2018

heating-system-servicingWinter is here, and while we haven’t been hit by freezing weather the way the East Coast was this weekend, we still get our share of cold nights and snow. You need your heating system to perform every day in order to keep your home comfortable, and it goes beyond that. During the coldest spells, a lack of a heater can pose health problems for your family, especially infants, the elderly, and those vulnerable to colds.

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Signs You Need Furnace Repair

Monday, December 25th, 2017

heating-system-repairsWith winter officially here, your heating system is likely going to kick into overdrive over the next few weeks: keeping your home warm during the coldest nights and providing safety as well as comfort to your entire family. A sudden breakdown can be a disaster, especially if it takes place just when you need your furnace to function the most.

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Power Levels Matter in New Heating Systems

Monday, December 11th, 2017

heating-installation-servicesWith winter fast approaching, temperatures are dropping every day. Now is the time to install a new heating system in your home, especially if your older one isn’t up to the task of keeping your home warm for another winter. Getting a new system put in now means not having to worry about your old heater breaking down just when you need it the most, or snow or similar inclement weather making a replacement session more problematic. More importantly, replacing your system now gives you the time to make a proper estimate: allowing you to make proper estimates and find the best heater for your home.

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Does Your Home Need a New Furnace?

Monday, November 27th, 2017

new-heating-systemWinter is on the way, and with cooler temperatures comes a need to carefully assess the state of your furnace. A comparatively new furnace is probably all set for the next few months, but as your system gets older, it’s going to struggle to do its job more and more. Eventually, you’re going to need to get it replaced, and if your furnace is on its last legs, it’s probably better to do so now, before the winter begins, than to deal with a breakdown and replacements later on in the year.

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Signs You Need a Heater Repair Call

Monday, October 16th, 2017

heater-repair-serviceThe weather has turned cooler in the last few weeks, and with summer finally owner, homeowners are firing up their heating systems to keep their homes warm. That makes the autumn the ideal time to spot the signs that your heating system might need repairs. Not only are you using the system for the first time in a while, but if there’s trouble, you still have several weeks to get it treated before the weather gets too much colder.

Only a trained technician should attempt to formally diagnose a heating problem, let alone conduct repairs, but that doesn’t mean you can’t spot the symptoms. Many signs are quite common, and can be caused by a wide number of possible issues. You don’t need to know what those issues are to realize that something’s wrong.

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Perform Heating Repair Jobs Now

Monday, October 2nd, 2017

heating-repair-optionsSummer has finally come to an end and fall is officially upon us. While the occasional bout of Indian summer might appear in the next month or so, we’ve largely been running our air conditioners less and less, and our heaters more and more in this environment. That makes now the perfect time to check your system for any lingering problems and schedule repairs with a trained technician if some are needed.

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The Importance of Mid-Winter Heating Tune-Ups

Monday, February 20th, 2017

Winter Family HomeWinter is going full blast and we still have at least a few more weeks of seriously cold weather before it begins to warm up again. You’ll need your heating system to function at its best in that time, which is why now is an excellent opportunity to schedule a maintenance session for your system. Ideally, such sessions should take place before heating season starts, at least once a year. But if you haven’t done so, then scheduling a tune-up now makes all kinds of sense.

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Does Your Home Need Duct Repair?

Monday, February 6th, 2017

Indoor_Air_Quality_Filters_Duct_Cleaning_dreamstime_xl_31113411Most homes in the Beaverton, OR area use centralized furnaces to keep their homes warm in the winter and air conditioners to keep them cool in the summer. Those systems rely upon a series of ducts branching out from the central system itself to the various rooms in your home. Conditioned air (either hot or cold) moves through the ducts, which keeps the temperature steady and ensures that the whole house is heated evenly. Ducts are usually placed in the crawlspace of the walls, the attic, or similar hidden locations. This has the benefit of keeping them safe from harm, but leaks do spring up, and even breaches can affect you from time to time. The good news is that a trained service can usually repair the damage quickly. But before that happens, you need to be able to spot the signs that something is amiss.

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Overpowered Heating Systems are a Problem

Monday, January 16th, 2017

Now is the time of year when people in the Portland, OR area start assessing their heating systems, and determining if they should replace it with a new one in the spring. Winter has been going for months now, and older furnaces can definitely feel the strain. In some unfortunate cases, you may not be able to wait until spring if a system on its last legs finally gives up the ghost. But whatever the circumstances, there’s a common fallacy that you need to be aware of: purchasing a heating system that’s too powerful for your space.

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What Do to When Your Heater’s Warranty Runs Out

Monday, January 9th, 2017

Every heating system comes with a warranty, which stipulates how long its various components are covered in the event of a breakdown. Specifics vary by the type of heating system, but most last for 10 years or thereabouts. That gives you some security when the system runs into trouble and keeps the costs of repairs limited. But what happens when the warranty runs out? What’s the best way to treat your heating system then?

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