The Clean Air Act Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heating’

How to Heat Your Home Cleanly and Efficiently

Monday, December 2nd, 2013

Two major concerns that homeowners face today when it comes to providing their houses with warmth during the winter: how to save money, and how to have improved indoor air quality. Nobody wishes to waste money unnecessarily, and with the high cost of heating, homeowners want to find ways to cut back on those expenses. And indoor air quality is now a major health concern in the U.S., where people spend 85% of their time inside.

It isn’t difficult to find ways to heat your home efficiently and cleanly. If you turn to a quality heating service, you will find there are many methods toward achieving safe and energy-saving warmth.

Here are some ideas from Clean Air Act to improve your heating in Portland. Contact us for more information or for professional heating service in Portland, OR, including installation, maintenance, and repairs.

Maintain an energy-saving thermostat level

You might not know it, but you may have your thermostat set at a temperature that is draining power without giving you any better comfort. A recommended indoor temperature for winter during the day time is 68°F; most people will find this comfort enough with the addition of an extra layer of clothes. At night, lower the temperature to 58°F. These changes can mean savings of nearly 20% off your bill annually.

Install air cleaners

A mechanical filter or an electronic air filter can remove allergens and contaminants from your home. HEPA filters are among the best: they remove up to 99.9% of all contaminants. Electronic air cleaners ionize the air to separate smaller particles.

Go with a ductless heating system

If you are thinking of installing a new heating system, consider having a ductless mini split heat pump put in. Without ductwork, you won’t have to worry about pressure loss, inefficiency from duct breaks, or dust and dirt contamination.

Schedule regular maintenance

The best way of all to make sure your heater keeps your air clean and your budget protected is to have an HVAC technician give it an annual check-up, cleaning, and tune-up. You’ll have a heater running at its best and cleanest after each yearly visit. This will also mean fewer repair emergencies in the future.

Clean Air Act offers a three-tiered maintenance program to fit your budget needs. We install many different air filters and electronic cleaners, and also install ductless mini split systems. We are your one-stop Portland, OR heating service company when you want more efficient and cleaner performance from your heater.

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How to Save Money on Your Heating Bill this Season

Tuesday, October 8th, 2013

Oregon City OR heating issues are no different from those in other Oregon cities. We have wet, cool winters, meaning that an effective heating system is the best way to keep your home warm and cozy when the temperatures drop. Because of that, we often accept high heating bills as the price of fending off the cold and the damp. It doesn’t have to be that way, however. With a few easy steps, you can cut down on costs without skimping on reliable heat from your furnace. Here’s how to save money on your heating bill this season.

The obvious steps are those you’ve likely heard about since elementary school. Set your thermostat a few degrees cooler than you’re accustomed to and wear warm clothes in the house instead of just depending on the heater to warm you. Don’t run the heater if you’re not going to use the whole house, and turn the heat down before you go off to work in the morning to avoid unnecessary expenditure of energy.

You can use upgrades to your existing energy system to help meet some of these goals. Zone controls, for instance, let you tailor the heat settings to warm only one or two portions of the house while leaving unused sections alone. Similarly, programmable thermostats let you automatically set the heat to turn off when you leave in the morning and turn back on again ten minutes before you arrive home.

In addition to such features, you can ensure that your heater is running at maximum efficiency by scheduling regular maintenance sessions to tighten loose fittings and clean dirty parts. That will ensure that your heater isn’t wasting unnecessary energy.

If you need more tips on how to save money on your heating bill this season, or you want to schedule an upgrading or maintenance service for your existing heater, call the Oregon City, OR heating experts at Clean Air Act. We handle heating issues, and will work to ensure that our wet winters don’t impact your family’s health and comfort. Contact us to make an appointment today.

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What to Look for in a Heating System

Wednesday, September 25th, 2013

With the chillier months rolling toward us, now is the time to think about how we’re going to keep our homes cozy until spring arrives. If you are debating a new heater installation in your home in Oregon, you’re probably already bombarding yourself with questions. This isn’t a choice to make quickly, since if you get the wrong system installed it can be difficult and expensive to replace it. To help you make the right choice the first time, read this list of what to look for in a new heating system.

Contact Clean Air Act for your Portland, OR heating questions and services. We will make getting a new heater much easier.

Heating efficiency: Not all heaters provide the same level of warmth distribution through your home, or the high temperatures you might need. For example, heat pumps can have trouble with extreme cold. To get the premium level of comfort, you need to balance the needs of your home with the heating ability of your new system. The best way to find out your home’s heating requirements is to bring in an HVAC specialist to perform a heat load calculation. This will provide you with a precise measurement of how your home should be heated.

Energy efficiency: The annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) rating describes how efficiently a heating system uses energy. AFUE is measured as a percentage; the higher the percentage, the more cost-effective the system. The U.S. Department of Energy requires all furnaces to have a minimum AFUE of 78%, and many boilers score 85% or higher. Check your new system’s AFUE if reducing your annual energy bills is important to you.

Ease of installation: Consider the current layout of your home and how it will affect installation. If you already have ductwork for central air conditioning, then installing a furnace will present few problems. In general, furnaces are easier to install than boilers, and electric furnaces take up less space. If you don’t have ductwork however, boilers can present a better choice.

Deciding what heater to install can be a dizzying process. But you can simplify it with professional help from trained HVAC technicians. Not only will they assist with your choice, they will install the system correctly so it performs at peak level and requires fewer future repairs.

For excellent heating services in Portland, OR, make The Clean Air Act your first choice!

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Transitioning to the Heating Season: What You Need to Know

Monday, September 16th, 2013

With summer now over, we are transitioning into the heating season. It’s the time when air conditioners go off and furnaces, boilers, and heat pumps turn on. Although Oregon doesn’t get the brutal cold that some other states have to suffer, we can have some very chilly and rainy days during the fall and winter.

Here are some things you need to know about moving from one season to the other so you’re prepared for the cold weather. For your heating needs, you can rely on the highly-trained Portland, OR heating technicians of Clean Air Act.

Although modern heating systems are very efficient at providing warm air throughout your home, your home might not be as efficient keeping the warm air in. Before the temperature drops any lower, take time to survey your house and locate spots where heat can escape. Check for leaks around your windows and outside doors. (You can use a candle flame to help locate them.) Caulk the windows and put weather stripping around the doors. If you have a fireplace, keep the damper shut when it’s not in use. Your attic should have sufficient insulation, since it is one of the main spots where rising heat can leak out of your home.

When it comes to your heating system, you can also take a few steps yourself to get it ready for the cold. If you have a furnace, change out the filter and make sure nothing is blocking the vents. For boilers, look for leaking water that might indicate cracks or loose valves, and clear out the space around the radiators.

However, you should call in a professional to perform a regular maintenance check to see if your heating system is fully prepared for the season. We recommend an annual service visit, and the best time is during the fall—before HVAC specialists get booked up with winter emergency calls and while a temporary loss of heat won’t be too inconvenient for you. A maintenance check will help prevent costly repairs or a breakdown during the worst times. A properly tuned-up heater will also save you money on your power bills because it will operate more efficiently.

We take the health and comfort of our customers seriously at Clean Air Act. We want you to be prepared for when you need heating in Portland, OR. If you have any concerns, or need repairs or installation, contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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Three Signs That Your Heater Might Need To Be Serviced

Wednesday, September 11th, 2013

With the Summer just about over, we here in the Pacific Northwest are getting ready for Fall and Winter already. If you’re like most homeowners, then you’ve been running your air conditioning system this summer while your heater has sat dormant. Before you just start cranking it on, there are a few things you should look for which could indicate that your heater needs service. Read on below and then call Clean Air Act if you think you may need Beavercreek, OR heating services.

Beavercreek, OR Heating Tip: Signs You Need Service

Keep an eye out for the following indicators that could mean you need to call for maintenance or repair for your heater.

  • Noises – If you’ve started running your heater but have noticed that it’s making an unusual noise, you may want to turn it off and call for Beavercreek, OR heating repair. If you hear squealing, it could mean that the fan motor belt needs to be replaced. Rattling could be a loose component or some debris stuck in the fan.
  • Odors – If your heater is producing any odors, then you should call for help. It could be rodents, insects or some other contaminant in your heat exchanger or in your ducts.
  • Not enough heating – If you aren’t getting enough heat in your home, then it likely means that you have a serious problem. It could be that the air filter is clogged or that the compressor is bad (if you have a heat pump) or that the burner isn’t working well (for furnaces). You could also have a fan issue where it isn’t pushing enough warm air into your heater or into your home.
  • Inefficient operation – Everyone wants to stay comfortable in their home, but if your heater isn’t operating efficiently, it could discourage you from running it. This is often caused by a clogged air filter in your system. But it could also be something more serious like low refrigerant, a clogged heat exchanger or evaporator coil or some other problem.

Do you need to hire a Beavercreek, OR heating expert? Then make sure you call the experts at Clean Air Act.

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What is a high-efficiency small ductwork system?

Monday, April 15th, 2013

For most of America, ductwork remains the primary way of moving heated air throughout the home. Whether you have a furnace, boiler, or heat pump, you need good, clean ductwork to facilitate the heating process and to provide adequate comfort for you and your family. But, the box-like ductwork that is so widely used can be inefficient, and often cannot be used in older, historical homes that do not have enough room to accommodate them. Fortunately, today homeowners can enjoy the convenience and effectiveness of ductwork without disrupting their home with major renovation or awkward retrofitting. High efficiency small ductwork systems, also known as high velocity mini duct systems, are quickly becoming a new standard. In this post, we’d like to explain what they could offer your home. For more information, or to schedule Beaverton heating, call the experts at The Clean Air Act today!

A high-efficiency small ductwork system uses small, insulated flexible ducts that circulate hot air at a greater rate. Due to the small diameter of the ducts, they can control the passage of air, and prevent the tendency of air loss and air stagnation. The outlets are about 2” in diameter, and instead of bulky grates, they appear to be small circular holes in the wall. The small diameter and higher pressure of these ducts lets the system circulate more effectively than in conventional set ups, by creating a vacuum effect of negative pressure. The result is even heat, whether you’re lying on the ground, or up on a ladder.

Furthermore, unlike standard ducts, high efficiency small ductwork resists the accumulation of dust and debris, and when paired with an air filtration system, is virtually dust-free. While conventional sheet-metal ductwork is subject to energy loss of up to 30%, small ductwork is tightly sealed and highly efficient. It also provides up to 25% more dehumidification, which is essential for the summer climate.

All in all, high efficiency small ductwork systems offer energy efficiency in a compact package. For more information about how they change your Beaverton, OR heating, contact The  Clean Air Act today!

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How Do I Know If I Need a Furnace Repair?

Monday, April 1st, 2013

Furnaces have long been one of the most popular home heating system options, and for very good reason. Modern furnaces are very effective, extremely efficient and very durable, allowing them to heat your home reliably and affordably over the course of their long lifespan. Of course, as is the case with any home heating system, you will eventually find that you need to contact a Portland furnace repair technician. When that time comes, call the furnace repair pros at The Clean Air Act, Inc. Our professional Portland, OR furnace repair specialists will have your furnace up and running at maximum performance levels again in no time.

Generally speaking, problems with your furnace are only going to get worse over time. That is why it is so important that you schedule any necessary Portland, OR furnace repair as soon as you suspect a problem with your system. In order to do so, though, you must recognize the warning signs that furnace repair is necessary.

Any general decline in the performance of your home heating system may indicate the need for furnace repair. Uneven heating may be the result of a problem with the fan in your furnace, or even your ductwork. Insufficient heating output may be a sign of a problem with your heat exchanger. Any problem can do serious damage over time, so contact us the moment you discover a problem with your furnace.

You should also call a Portland heating technician if you notice an increase in the cost of heating your home. If you have not made any big adjustments to your heating habits then there should be no major fluctuations in your heating costs. Should the cost of heating your home suddenly spike, it is very likely that there is an underlying problem causing this inefficiency. Schedule repair service immediately.

Your comfort is too important to take any chances with. Contact The Clean Air Act, Inc. if you suspect a problem with your heating system. Our team of Portland, OR furnace repair technicians will help protect your comfort throughout the heating season.

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What To Do Before Switching Your Heat Pump From Heating to Cooling

Monday, March 25th, 2013

A heat pump is a great option for homeowners that want efficient heating and cooling in one convenient system. As we leave the cold season here in Oregon and the weather begins to warm up, you may start thinking about switching your heat pump from heating to cooling. Before you do that, it may be a good idea to think about performing some simple maintenance tasks to make sure that your heat pump works well. Contact the Portland heating experts at The Clean Air Act for all your heat pump repair and maintenance. We can help you make sure that your heat pump works well throughout the year. Here are a few of the thing that you may want to think about before the weather starts to warm up.

Benefits of Regular Heat Pump Maintenance

Heat pumps get a ton of use throughout the year because you use the same equipment to both heat and cool your home. In addition to that, your heat pump’s cooling mode has been dormant for much of the fall and winter. Before you just start cranking out the cooling it could be a good idea to get your heat pump inspected, repaired and maintained. With all the use that it gets your heat pump will likely start to develop small problems and issues. Those problems can impact the operation and efficiency of your heat pump. During regular maintenance, your technician will thoroughly inspect and clean out every component of your heat pump. They will find those small problems and repair which can result in some of the following benefits

  • Reduced need for repair
  • Increased Efficiency
  • Extended equipment life

Call the Portland, OR heating technicians at The Clean Air Act if you’re interested in setting up regular maintenance for your home’s heat pump. Contact The Clean Air Act today!

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Why is My Furnace Not Heating Properly?

Monday, March 18th, 2013

Even as we enter the end of the heating season in Portland, OR, your furnace may begin to lose its ability to heat your home. This can be disconcerting, even as spring approaches. Don’t wait until next year to schedule furnace repair service. Delaying repairs typically only worsens them. If you’re concerned about your furnace, you need to rely on a trained Portland heating professional to ensure that your repair is done right the first time. The Clean Air Act Inc. is committed to providing exceptional heating repair in the Portland, OR area.

One of the most common questions we hear from customers is “Why is my furnace not heating?” Let’s take a look at some common causes:

  • Thermocouple. Your thermocouple is an electronic safety device that typically attaches to your pilot light to prevent gas from entering the combustion chamber without a flame to ignite it properly. It may be broken, or it may be accurately sensing that your pilot light is out, in which case it needs to be relit, or your fuel supply valve is blocked by debris.
  • Electrical issue. While your furnace creates energy from fuel, it is powered by electricity. Your furnace may have tripped the circuit breaker or blown a fuse. If your wiring is old or has been damaged, this can be a potentially hazardous situation and should be dealt with as soon as possible.
  • Clogged air filter. If you notice that your furnace turns on, but little to no heat emerges from the ductwork, your air filter may be dirty or completely blocked. If you can’t remember the last time you checked your air filter, it’s a good idea to do so regularly. It’s an easy and cost effective maintenance task.
  • No fuel. While this seems obvious, customers unfamiliar with how their heating system may forget to check their fuel gauge. No fuel, no fire, as they say.

We hope that this brief list of common furnace heating problems helps you identify a problem. The next step is contacting your local Portland heating professionals at The Clean Air Act Inc. We service all makes and models of furnaces. Call us today!

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Cost-Effective Heating Upgrades

Monday, March 11th, 2013

If you are looking for cost-effective heating upgrades for your home, call the Portland heating experts at The Clean Air Act. We can help you with all of your heating and home energy needs. We’ve put together a few ways that you can start saving energy and money on utility bills in Portland, OR.

Here are a few cost-effective heating upgrades to consider.

Choose Energy Star Products

When you choose Energy Star products, you are creating long-term savings on energy costs. Improving the efficiency of your home doesn’t stop with installing high-efficiency appliances; there are plenty of smaller upgrades that can also add up over time and improve heating performance.

Seal Air Leaks

One of the easiest improvements you can make is to seal up any cracks or places that are leaking air, such as older doors and windows. You can check for air leaks by using the “candle test,” which is basically putting a candle near any places that are suspected trouble spots, and then sealing those off with weatherization strips or caulking.

Install a Programmable Thermostat

Installing a programmable thermostat is another easy way to save energy and money. These allow you to set the thermostat according to different times of the day. You can set it to turn down the heat when you are not home, and then turn back on right before you get home.  There are many different models and features to look for in a programmable thermostat, but if you have questions, just give us a call.

If you would like to know more about small upgrades to your heating system, or about the advantages of an Energy Star-rated heating system, call Portland, OR heating specialists at The Clean Air Act. Contact The Clean Air Act today!

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