The Clean Air Act Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Portland’

4 Reasons To Book AC Maintenance Now

Monday, April 25th, 2022

ac-technicianWe know that Oregon enjoys keeping cool weather around for a while. That said, we are starting to see the hints of warmer weather to come. It may be a while until we need to run an air conditioner, but even so, it is a great idea to get AC maintenance in Portland, OR taken care of now.

Maintenance is highly important to the overall operation of your air conditioner when warmer temperatures hit. If you haven’t gotten your tune-up taken care of yet, now is a great time to get this service done. Read on to learn why maintenance is a great way to get the most from your AC for the lowest price.

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Battle Spring Allergies With Our Help

Monday, April 11th, 2022

spring-flowersPeople with allergies experience spring differently from the rest of us. While we visually enjoy the blooming plants and warmer temperatures, someone with allergies faces the challenge of managing a lot of triggers that might set them off. And there is nothing that can ruin a picnic so quickly as an allergy attack. (Ants are close.)

But it isn’t just the outdoor world that can present a problem for your respiratory system. Did you know that the air quality in the modern home can often be worse than the air outside? This is because all the dust, pollen, and debris that gets into the house often stays there. Thankfully, there are ways to solve this problem.

Here are some of the ways our team can help you battle your allergies and achieve better indoor air quality this year.

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Noises That No Heater Should Make

Monday, March 28th, 2022

Having a heater in your home is a great advantage. It allows you to stay warm on some of the coldest of days, and to do so without having to spend an aggressive amount of money. At least, that is how things are meant to work.

If you have a system that needs heater repair in Portland though, you may find your reality is a bit different. You might have some days with comfort and some without. Or you may struggle to get any kind of warmth at all.

Rather than battle with your heater, you can reach out to get expert repairs, especially if you hear these sounds.

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Is Your Furnace Fixable?

Monday, March 14th, 2022

A rainy, cold spring day can be enjoyable with the help of a cup of something hot, a cozy sweater, and a home kept reasonably warm by your heater. But what happens if your heater isn’t quite up to par lately? All the hot drinks and warm clothes in the world won’t replace the impact that a good furnace will have on your comfort.

Furnaces that are struggling to keep you warm are likely to need professional service to get them up and running again. The key question to consider is whether or not your system is actually fixable.

Here are the distinct signs to watch for that will let you know whether you need a furnace repair in Portland or a furnace replacement.

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Habits To Remember to Improve Your Heater Efficiency

Monday, December 6th, 2021

It is a great feeling to be able to enjoy a warm home on a cold day. However, knowing that your energy bills are going to be through the roof simply from running your heater kind of takes away some of the enjoyment. Thankfully, there are ways to avoid this. 

First of all, scheduling regular heating system maintenance each year will help to ensure that your system keeps up an optimal level of efficiency. Beyond this, there are certainly some best practices that you can and should adopt to get the best level of efficiency from your system.

Let’s explore some of the habits that you can start to use on a regular basis this season for the best level of efficiency and effectiveness from your heater.

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3 Scary Issues Your Furnace May Have

Monday, October 25th, 2021

The modern gas-powered furnace is built to be safe. There are stringent safety measures that these systems have to meet in order to be released to the consumer market. We start here because we want to make sure that we don’t worry anyone unnecessarily about their gas furnace. If it was installed in your home, it was made to run safely!

However, there are issues that your furnace can develop due to old age and large amounts of wear and tear that can cause it to become dangerous. The easy way to avoid this is, of course, to schedule yearly maintenance and to replace your furnace when it reaches “retirement age,” before it can develop a major problem.

What are these scary issues that your furnace can develop? Let’s take a look at the main three:

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Scary High Energy Bills? Let Us Help

Monday, October 11th, 2021

You just got the mail and you see that there is a bill from the energy company in the stack. Normally this would just be status quo, but lately, those monthly bills have been sending you reeling. If you are afraid to open that envelope and see what your monthly dues are, then we need you to know that this is not a normal situation. Unless you’ve been using your heater to power your home and your neighbors your energy bills should not be that bad!

High energy bills are often the sign of a problem with your comfort system, thermostat, or another part of your HVAC setup. Our team can help you narrow things down to identify the culprit, unmask the problem, and provide an effective solution that banishes those bad bills.

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Why Duct Cleaning Is Important for Indoor Air Quality

Monday, September 27th, 2021

ductcleaning-before-afterYour ductwork is highly important to the use of your air conditioner and heater. In fact, without it, you wouldn’t be able to enjoy any of the comfortable air these systems produce. But did you know that your ductwork can get dirty?

We’re sure that this concept isn’t a huge surprise. What may be a surprise, however, is the fact that dirty ductwork can actually cause problems for both your indoor air quality and your comfort. When it comes to using your HVAC system with dirty ducts, the dirt really can hurt.

We want you to enjoy optimal comfort this season and beyond. That is why we provide duct cleaning in Portland, OR. Let us tell you a bit more about how dirty ducts can be a problem and when it is time to call in backup to clear them out.

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Air Purifiers Eliminate Potent Smells

Monday, September 13th, 2021

You may not realize when there is a smell sticking around your house until you leave and come back. It is safe to say almost everyone has had a day out and returned to a home that hit them with a surprise smell. Taking out the garbage doesn’t help and neither does cleaning the drains, so what is going on?

The issue may be due to your indoor air quality.

Surprised? Don’t worry, you aren’t the first. When something smelly enters your home’s air it can be harder to get rid of it than you might think. We can help you clear the indoor air and breathe easily in your home again. 

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Call For Repairs When Your AC Leaks

Monday, August 2nd, 2021

blue-question-markYou walk into a room and you see a small puddle on the floor. Understandably you’re concerned. You are about to reach out to a plumber when it dawns on you that it seems like your air conditioner is the thing that is leaking, rather than the plumbing. You didn’t even know the system could leak.

You may be wondering to yourself, “How in the world does my air conditioner leak?” It is a good question, and we have several answers to it. We also have the solution to the leak itself, depending on what is causing it. Let’s explore what might be leading to a leaky AC so do you understand why prompt repairs are a must.

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