The Clean Air Act Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Portland’

The Difference Professional Installation Services Make

Monday, December 21st, 2020

ac-technicianThere has been a lot going on in our area lately. If anything, it makes it easier to hunker down inside our homes and find new ways to entertain ourselves and our loved ones for extended periods of time. Netflix and Hulu can only offer so much: break out the backgammon and chess boards!

But we digress.

Spending extra time at home isn’t bad. But it can be uncomfortable without a reliable heater. Whatever your situation, if you are ready to get a good whole-home heater in your home, it is important to get this job knocked out sooner than later. It is also important to have a professional be the one to perform your heating installation in Portland, OR.

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Is an Electric or a Gas-Powered Furnace Better?

Monday, December 7th, 2020

If you’ve been trying to get through our many cooler months with a space heater and some heavy layers, it is high time that you made the leap to schedule a heating installation in Portland. The main question you will need to ask yourself is what type of heater will work best for your home.

Your first option is likely to be a furnace. Furnaces are great systems for keeping homes in the Portland area nice and warm, no matter what the weather throws our way. Unlike the furnaces of yesteryear that used wood or coal, today’s units are able to use more efficient means to create heat. That means, if you are going to opt for a furnace, you get to choose between a natural gas or electric model.

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5 Tips To Get Your Home Ready For the Holidays

Monday, November 23rd, 2020

The holiday season this year is likely to be quite different than expected. But that doesn’t mean you don’t want to be prepared. The holidays can still be a bit of a stressful time and may be even more so now that there are extra safety precautions to consider. We want to help.

Below we’ve listed some tips we hope will help you prep your home for the holidays and any guests who may be able to visit. Our hope is that these tips will help you get some tasks you may not have thought of knocked out ahead of time and will help ensure you enjoy a more comfortable season at home.

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Do You Have a Furnace Problem?

Monday, November 9th, 2020

The Halloween decorations are coming down and the snuggly decor that is meant for fall and winter is being pulled out. We are all preparing to settle in for the coming months of cold, wet weather with the hopes of seeing some of our loved ones in the near future too.

Whether you are spending the next few months with your immediate family or you have loved ones coming from out of town for a long-overdue visit, you’ll want to make sure that your home is as warm and welcoming as possible. To do that, you have to make sure that your furnace is in prime working order. We can help with that by offering expert diagnostics and repairs when issues pop up.

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Get You Ducts Cleaned Before Switching On Your Heater

Monday, October 12th, 2020

duct-cleaningIt is finally the fall, which means that we are getting ready for cooler weather and fun activities like Halloween decorating. While you are getting your house ready and dusting off your cold-weather clothing, don’t forget to take your home comfort into account. The factors that provided great comfort to you this last summer may not be in such great condition this season. For example, your ductwork may have become much dirtier than it was in spring, to the point where it can hinder your comfort this season.

You want to keep your home comfortable and clean this season. To do that, you may want to include duct cleaning in Portland, OR as part of your maintenance services this year. Here is why maintenance and duct cleaning serves as a great preparatory combination for your home comfort.

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Answering Your Questions: Do You Need AC Repairs?

Monday, September 14th, 2020

It may not seem like there will be a break in the high heat we’ve been experiencing around here, but the end is coming. And with the end of the heat, the fall season is going to kick off with more reasonable temperatures … and possibly some pumpkin-flavored goodies. We might even be able to enjoy some days without the air conditioner on!

Speaking of your air conditioner, we want to make sure that your system is still in good shape. While cooler temperatures may be on their way, it doesn’t mean that you should let your AC struggle. If you need an AC repair in Portland, OR, we can help you get the job done. All you have to do is reach out to us.

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How to Tell You Need an Air Purifier

Monday, August 31st, 2020

There are plenty of modern, well-built homes here in Portland. Many of these houses come with a great selling point: they are well-sealed, which means they operate far more efficiently than other homes might. This is great news for your monthly bills but not always the best for your indoor air quality.

Well-sealed homes don’t exchange much indoor and outdoor air, and while that makes it easier to control the internal temperature of the home, it also, unfortunately, means that a large variety of airborne particles are in your home to stay once they find a way in. Thankfully, we have solutions that can help you enjoy both the air quality and temperatures you need. In this case, we would recommend an air purifier in Portland, OR.

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Dusty Ductwork Isn’t Good For Your Comfort

Monday, August 17th, 2020

ductcleaning-before-afterKeeping our houses clean is a task that we all have to work to do. Dusting countertops and furniture, sweeping, vacuuming, and other activities tackle the dirt and debris that we don’t want in our homes. This is going to be a much tougher challenge if you have to choose between having a comfortable house and a clean one.

If the air in your home seems too dusty to properly deal with, it may mean that your ductwork is working against you. Dirty ducts are going to hinder your indoor air quality and your home comfort unless you address them with our Portland duct cleaning.

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What is Wrong With a Dirty Evaporator Coil?

Tuesday, August 11th, 2020

“A little dirt never hurt anyone.” We’ve all heard this phrase (usually applied to kids trying to get as dirty as possible while playing) but this idea doesn’t apply to your evaporator coil. An air conditioner’s evaporator coil actually needs to stay as clean as possible in order to provide reliable and effective cooling. If this coil gets dirty on the other hand it can cause a variety of problems that require air conditioner repairs in Portland.

If you have a moment and you’re curious as to why this is such a big problem for your home comfort, we’ve provided more information below. Our hope is that this information leaves you better equipped to prevent a dirty evaporator coil issue or, when one pops up, to be able to handle it more quickly.

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No Ducts? No Problem! You Can Still Stay Cool

Monday, July 6th, 2020

woman-operating-ductless-systemIf your home is on the older side, it may not have ductwork installed in it. Likewise, if your home is a little small, it may not have room for ducts. This can make it tough to get a reliable air conditioning system that can cool the entire house. Portable AC units can only go so far, after all. So when summer temperatures roll around, you may start wondering how you are going to make it until things cool off in fall.

What if we told you that you didn’t have to just make do with those portable AC systems or window units? Believe it or not, you do have an option to help keep you cool without the use of ducts—a ductless mini split air conditioning system.

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